chapter 1. Bird Gang incorporated

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I arrived at bird gang incorporated. Not knowing what to expect As I had been transfered from a military secret ops after a falling out with the general. I walked inside of the small building. The lobby seems somewhat lacking and low budget. Attached to the wall in front of me was a flickering bird gang logo that from the looks of it seems like it was a DIY with materials from Michael's. There was only one direction I could walk but for some reason they felt the need to have an arrow pointing in the direction with a sign that says "home base" I walked up the narrow stairs to arrive in an empy room aside from a lady sitting at a half broken desk. The room smelled awful and what seemed to be coffee stains were plastered on the wall and carpet. I aproach the lady and before I could even get a word out She says in a raspy deep voice "do you have an appointment" I tried to convince myself not to just say "fuck it" and leave. Uhh. Yeah. I said. Trying to sound confident. I happened to spot a camera in the corner that has been following my every move. "What's the password" the what seemed to be the biggest piece of what trash ever asked me. Smoke practically flowing out of her mouth as she speaks. I reached into my wallet to pull out the piece of paper that I was given. "Uhh it's mii pocklee" I say Trying not to grin. The lady then hits a part of her desk revealing a hidden compartment with a red button and pushes it. The ground shakes as the floor opens unveiling a chrome ladder going down with bright lights following it. I approach it and begin waking down the 800 feet ladder. What I saw leaves me speechless. As hundred of workers scatter around. Filing papers. And working on computers that seemed to be from the future. Everything seemed state of the art. I tried to approach some of the employees to ask where the leaders were. But they all just seemed to be in a frantic hurry. And didn't want to be bothered. Well. I guess I have to find them myself. For about an hour I walked through the giant underground building looking for where to go. Or who to talk to. I finally came across an elevator that said "authorized personnel only" with a key card slot. I reached for my fat wallet once again to grab the card I was provided. The elevator opens. I walk in. And it closes almost immediately. Then in an instant swoop the elevator drops down at what I swore could be 200 miles an hour. It comes to a stop. But the door didn't open. I tried to ignore the weird elevator music that seemed to be a man singing "stay with me" to a donut. The elevator door slowly opens. I walked into an oval room with 4 people sitting at a desk starting contenly at me. A man sat at the end of the table with a chair clearly bigger than the rest with the word falcon on his shirt and an eye patch that was clearly for show .. And says "your the new blood EH" in a God awful forced Canadian accent. I walked into the room with a puzzled brain. Looking at the unprofessional people that seemed like they came out of a comic book. I walked to the only empty chair with a sign on it that says "new blood" I rolled my eyes as I sat down. Everyone is silent. I again had to convince myself not to just leave. A Mexican looking man that is sitting next to the "falcon.." with a similar shirt exept for the word ravin is on the fabric instead. The "raven...." descretly says to falcon "he smells like an onion" but it was clear he was never taught how to whisper. I observed the other people. To the right of me was a man.. Or woman. I don't know it's unclear. With the name cockatoo. Her hair definantly lives up to the name. Next to her\him was a smaller lady with bright red hair and the name hawk. But I could swear that her eyes were even redder. She looked antsy. And like she didn't even want to be here but she was forced. There was a knock on the door. And then it was slowly cracked open "would your guest like any drinks" says an awkward looking woman with a name badge that said "Bird assistant Lily" (well at least she didn't have a cliche animal name I thought to myself) before I could answer the falcon cut me off to say he needed some Coca-Cola then clapped his hands and the assistant quickly left the room. "Well let's get down to business sparrow" falcon says to me "oh dear God" i muttered under my breath

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2016 ⏰

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