Chapter 1

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I watched as the rainclouds cast dark, ominous shadows over the world outside my bedroom window. The afternoon rain poured from the heavens in sheets so thick I could hardly see the pristine, cookie-cutter houses on the opposite side of the street. The sound of the rain pattering against the sidewalk was soothing to me. It always had been. My breath fogged the glass and I caught a glimpse of my reflection. I admired the long chestnut locks which framed my face. I brushed the bangs out of my face and pursed my lips at the dark circles beneath my sapphire eyes. Disheartened by the ghostly pale figure staring back at me, I pushed open my window and breathed in the fresh, fragrant air as it chilled my face. I closed my eyes and contently sighed as I sat back into my oversize reading chair. I love this time of the year, I thought to myself. Everything is so beautiful in the fall. I peered across the street toward the Anderson's house and noticed the leaves on their colossal oak tree had begun to exhibit an amber shade.

Entirely captivated by the rainstorm, I was startled by a quiet meow behind me. It took a second for my heart to return to its normal rhythm but I gave my cat a loving scratch behind his ear, "You scared me you silly boy." He meowed back at me as if he understood what I had said to him. I smiled and gave him a light kiss on the head before plopping down on my bed, "So what's on the agenda today Oliver? It's going to get dark soon, should we go play out in the rain?" Oliver lovingly nuzzled my shoulder and happily meowed. I smiled and picked him up, walking over to the window so we could enjoy the rain together. He put his paws on the window, seemingly captivated by the birds bathing themselves in a puddle.

He eventually squirmed out of my arms and sauntered toward my bedroom door. I pulled my phone off the charger and followed him out of the room. I found him in the kitchen, perched on the counter next to his favorite bowl and I smiled, "Feeding time already? Keep eating like this and you're going to get fat." I chuckled to myself, "I must be crazy. I talk to my cat like he's a person." I giggled at myself as I pondered, "Ashlyn, the crazy cat lady... it's got a nice ring to it."

I thought back to the day I found Oliver. Actually, it's probably more accurate to say he found me. It was a bright sunny day in spring, the flowers had just begun to break out of their long, winter slumber. I was walking out to my driveway to collect my morning paper and he was standing there on my front porch. At first I thought it was strange. I checked his collar but the only thing written on the tag was the name 'Oliver'. I thought the name was pretty clever considering he looked just like the kitten in the Disney movie. I put up posters for a week trying to reunite this lost feline with his owners but no one ever called to claim him. I pet him lovingly as he began to chow down on his food, "I can't believe it has already been two years."

An hour passed before the rain slowed to a stop and the sun peeked out from the clouds just long enough for it to set. My quaint, three bedroom home was filled with the most beautiful shade of orange. As I was about to prepare myself some dinner, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and was greeted by a cheerful old man uniformed in brown shorts and a button up shirt. He handed me a package and we wished each other a good night before I closed the door and brought the package to the kitchen. I set the small, brown box on the island before grabbing a pair or scissors out of a drawer. I was pleased to see a birthday card tucked inside the package as well as a smaller wrapped box. I opened the card and smiled at my mother's neat, cursive writing.

'I know it is a bit early but I wanted to make sure this got to you before your birthday. I can't believe my little girl is turning twenty-five. I know how much you love writing in those journals of yours and when I found this at a garage sale I immediately thought of you.'

Love you with all my heart


The thoughtfulness of her card almost brought tears to my eyes. I turned my attention to the small, neatly wrapped box and carefully pulled the wrapping paper off. Inside the box was a pen. The pen was beautiful, it was a fountain pen with a black casing and an intricate design the same color as the shiny golden nib. I was amazed at the condition of something that seemed so old. This has got to be an antique. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, quickly typing in my mother's telephone number.

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