Dancing with him :)

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Liam:The gentleman that he his, he classically dances with you. One hand on your waist and the other firmly intertwined with yours. You have one hand over his broad shoulder. He leads you on and smiles when you accidentally step on his foot.

......Scene C:......

"Liam I have to learn how to dance for the wedding for y/f/n! And it's in 2 days!! 2 freakin days!!"

I complained at Liam who is just staring at the ceiling laying on the couch. "And......" he left off. I raised an eyebrow. "You want me to teach you?" He said unsure.

"Well yeah" I said in a 'duhh' way "Okay then lets start" He clapped like if he was trying to get attention of a class that won't listen.

He put one hand on my waist and the other on my hand. He told me to put my other hand on his shoulder, and I did.

We started moving back and then front and when I do so I would always step on his foot. "Sorry" I mumbled He just chuckled every time I do so.

Niall:Niall well he just whispered it to you out of the blue when we were watching 21 Jump Street. I taught him the basic steps and he got the hang of it.

Sometimes he would go different directions and I will tell him that, that's not the right way and chuckle.

He would blush and I thought it was actually cute and adorable how he would actually want to learn how to slow dance.

.......Scene :D.....

Niall and I were just watching a movie when he started to kiss my cheek every so often meaning he wants something.

"Niall, what do you need this time?" I told him making a lame face,

"What? Can't I just show love to my girlfriend.*silence*...ok here it is..it might be weird but....Okay I need to...No, I want to learn how t-to s-slow d-dance..." He rambled and blushed

"Of course Ni I actually think its cute how you would want to learn how" I said kissing his blushing cheeks.

"Niall wrong way"I chuckled "It's left then right.Haha"

"Ohh"he blushed Awhh he keeps blushing and it's soo cute!

Zayn:"I've been working in my dance skills just for you" Zayn smiled grabbing my waist. I put my hands on his shoulders and he leads us to the rythym.

........Scene :).......

I was out with the girls and decided it was time to go back home.

I walked back home and waited till' Zayn came home. The door finally opened and there he was grinning like and idiot.

"I have a surprise, babe!" Zayn said still grinning. I raised an eyebrow at him letting him continue. "You know how I never knew how to dance before and I've been out lately" "Yeah..."I cocked my head to the side.

"Well I've been going to a dance studio..you know..to take classes..and....and I've been working on my dance skills just for you, y/n."he whispered. I smiled and he grabbed me by the waist.

I throw my arms around his shoulders and he leads you into a rythym staring directly at your eyes.

Louis:He starts off dancing slowly but then when you least expect it, he starts dancing fast twirling you around.

He puts his hand on the small of your back, dips you down and leans down for a kiss.

.......Scene :O.........

Louis and I were at a wedding just sitting.

"May i have this dance, my lady."Louis asked in a posh way."Oh i would love too" I replied in the same way but tried to contain my laughter.

We were slow dancing until he started to dance fast, twirling me around and around. "Loooooouis" I squealed.

He just chuckled putting his hand on the small of my back

dipping my down and leaning down for a kiss. His lips touched mine and

there was wolf whistles coming from the boys. We pulled away and laughed.

Harry:The cheeky lad he is, you always had to keep lifting his hand up because they keep 'accidentally' sliding off your waist and onto my bum.

You relax and lean on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

He lifts up your chin and kisses you softly. "I like dancing with you" he told you grinning.

..........Scene ;P...........

I was still in high school and it was my last year actually.

And so today is prom and I asked Harry if he could be my date. He gladly accepted it. Harry wasn't getting trampled as much so we survived the dance floor.

Harry asked me "Care to dance" holding his hand out for me to take.

"I'd love to dance" I said taking his hand as he leads us to the dance floor.

Harry put his hands on my waist and I put mine on his shoulders. Harry's hand 'accidentally' slipped onto my bum. What a cheeky bastard. I thought to myself.

I lifted his hand up again and put my head on his chest. And the same thing happened again. I lifted my head and looked at him. He was smiling cheekily at me. "Harrrry" I playfully

smacked his chest. "I like to dance with you" Harry said and kissed you but this time putting his hands on your waist.

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