Chapter Nine: I Sneak Out With a Boy For the First Time

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Hola! I have no idea how it's been 2 weeks since I've updated, I'm sorry. I haven't really been in the writing zone for a while, but I forced myself to this weekend because I turned 18 on Saturday (wow, still sounds so old eek) and I always update around my birthday. Plus I have this week off of school so I'd feel lazy if I didn't write. So I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, more action in this one, thank goodness. I'll try to update sooner next time!

Gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter Nine

I Sneak Out With a Boy For the First Time

Storm clouds rolled in on top of crystalline blue water as we drove across the bridge leading into Cape Cod. I gazed through the windows and tried to admire the view – the waters of the canal, the boats, the trees brushing the banks – but in truth I mostly eyed the dark skies and wondered if weather could predict the future.

Jer always drove like a maniac, and today was no exception. We zipped along the highway past beaches and old homes for miles until at last he took an exit for some small town full of battered beach houses and tiny stores. His phone pressed to his ear, Jer spoke curtly to someone whom I assumed was Patrick, at last pulling up to a dingy, paint-peeling building.

"Did they find Zach?" I asked as we hopped out of the car and moved up to the door, my sandals slipping into sandy ground. Jer didn't answer, sweat rolling down his face as we moved from the suffocating August humidity into the equally smothering heat of the dilapidated house.

"Why is no one posted here?" he demanded the second Ramirez appeared inside. "Get one of your man to watch the road."

"Our surveillance technology –" the woman began, but Jer swept past her.

"Do it!"

Ramirez followed him down the hall toward some door that he disappeared through, her voice fading in her usual "You are not in charge here, Mr. Grimm" argument. Alone once more, I stood in the foyer and adjusted my ponytail, messy from the car ride. Fanning myself with my ball cap, I walked up the hall, peering into open rooms and pondering closed doors.

"Did those people tell you anything?"

Jumping, I spun around to see Jack on the bottom step of the staircase that wound down to the front door. She'd scraped her long red hair into a ponytail and looked tired and overheated. I shrugged, saying, "I don't really know. Just that we better find Zach before the mafia does. Did you guys find him yet?"

"We know his location," she said, passing a hand over her face. "But it's a little more complicated than that – Patrick's probably telling Jer all about it in there."

I glanced at the shut door. "Okay, so let's join them. I need to hear this, too."

"Don't think so, sweetheart." Jack smiled bitterly, sitting down on the stair. "They're not even telling me anything. Patrick tried to talk to me a while ago and Ramirez practically gagged him." She yawned. "Nice to know they trust me so much."

"They won't tell you anything about Zach?" I frowned, indignant. "That's not fair – you're his friend. You deserve to know."

Jack gave me such a weird look that I felt compelled to say, "What?" defensively, but she simply shook her head and said, "You of all people should know that being close to someone doesn't mean you get to know anything."

Well, I was sick to death of knowing nothing. I don't know if I was just hot and exhausted or if I would've done it anyway, but I set my jaw and said, "Screw them. I'm going in there whether they like it or not. Are you coming?"

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