Restless Hearts

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Not one single flaw escapes the scrutiny of a bathroom mirror, especially under harsh fluorescent lights. I could see the monster bags underneath my eyes, making me look like a member of the walking dead. My skin looks unnaturally pale, and I can see the small sprinkle of brown freckles printed across my nose. They are usually unnoticeable on my dark face, but now they stood out; a stark contrast to my now washed-out skin. On top of that, I had the worst bed-head seen by man.


I walk across the room to my minuscule bathroom. I twist the brass doorknob and walk inside, the feeling of the tiny cold tiles underneath my bare feet sending shivers along my spine. Setting my phone on the edge of the white ceramic counter top, I pull out one of the many drawers in search of my concealer, hoping that a dab of it wouldn't make me look so ghoulish. I pull it a little too hard and the whole thing comes out, sending all of my compacts and tubes of lip stick crashing to the floor. Great. I first put the drawer back into its place and then bend down to pick up my stuff, quickly grabbing my makeup and putting it back into the drawer. My phone then starts to jiggle, vibrating its way across the edge of the counter. Forgetting that I am directly underneath the still-open drawer, I bang my head on it as I try to get up.

"Ow!" I screech. I feel along my scalp, and sure enough, a little lump was rising where I had hit my head. Perfect. My phone then falls off the counter, vibrating like crazy. I manage to pick it up before it hits the floor, looking at the name and debating whether to answer or decline. Deciding that Max could probably help right now, I pick up on the third ring.

"Hello?" I say into the phone, sounding a little flustered.

"Hey! I'm coming over later to pick you up. I was wondering if you could get me a discount at Pretty in Pink. I need a new outfit for the party tonight !"  I cringe a little at her perkiness. But Max has been my friend since forever, and I knew not to knock her when she get's a little too excited.

"Party? What party?" I frantically rack my brain to remember any party plans I may have made. And a way to get out of them. I come up empty.

"Remember...? Remy's throwing an end-of-the-summer party and we both got invited. Tell me you didn't forget." She says, with a hint of disbelief. I slump against the sink, throwing my hand into my hair and hanging my head. 

"Uh, no. Of course I didn't forget. I just forgot that it was today." I lie through my teeth, if only to mollify her.

"Oh, okay. Well I'm picking you up at three so we can go shopping." she seems to have calmed down now that she thinks I haven't completely forgotten about our plans.

"See.... about that? I can't go."

"What?!? Why not?" The girl is going to have a serious heart attack if I keep dropping bombs on her. 

"Because, I planned on sleeping in today. I look terrible. We can just catch the next party."

"Catch the next party? Are you insane? We're sophomore-turned freshmans! No freshman or sophomore has ever been invited to one of Remy's parties. Ever."

"Okay, would you just stop with the melodramatics? You can go by yourself, we aren't joined at the hip you know. We don't have to do everything together."

"We don't, but you're my wing woman. How am I supposed to score a hottie without a wing woman? I stare at my phone in disbelief, as if she can see this. "Honey, you're gorgeous. You don't need my help."

"Yes, I do. And who knows? Maybe you'll score yourself a senior boyfriend." 

I sigh. Here we go again.

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