what you need to know

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you see that hunky up there. That's Taylor Launter aka Spencer's new Beau who will be Brian. Isn't he dreamy. Yeasssss he is.

There will be a flashback to see why Spencer and Toby broke up (heads up Toby is petty for doing this)

Yvonne is in this (but thats not important. (im so petty)

Brian is..

a sweetheart

a person you can go to for anything

he was the first person to meet Spencer in college and have been friends ever since

he worked as a police officer but he quit cause it was getting in the way between him and Spencer, so he works as a Forensic Scientist that way he can spend more time with her unlike a certain character we know Cough *Toby* Cough.

Brian wants to get married where Spencer grew up (rosweood) and thats how Toby finds out about Spencer. 

Brian is building Spencer a barn outside of Rosewood  

Brian is head over heels for Spencer Hastings

Thats it.

Im petty right. Lml

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