The Pain Begins

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I hugged my toddler-sized teddy bear tightly to my chest, desperately wishing it could come to life and give me a never ending tight hug and give me the love I haven't felt since I was a baby. The time I didn't understand what arguments were.

I sat up in my bed and looked at the light seeping through the crack in the doorway hearing faint voices yelling foreign words for my young, innocent ears.

I crawled out of my bed and walked down the stairs to my door being careful not to make any loud noise. I slowly opened my door more, squinting my eyes shut as the bright light blinded me. I blinked my eyes open unable to look without my eyes squinted a bit, still not used to the light yet, I slowly walked down the stairs at the end of the hallway from my room, one of my hands capping above my eyes shielding them from the light, and the other holding onto the stair railing.

"I can't do this anymore! You know what Hannah?! You're so stupid!! We're done!" I heard my dad yell and I peeked in through the kitchen door. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I want a divorce..."

Silence filled the air as my mom looked up at him shocked. I hugged my bear even tighter.

"I can't do this whole arguing all the time crap..." My Dad sighed. I am only six but I know what a divorce is. I don't want to be that girl with a broken home like in the movies, but I don't want to stop him. The reason why is because of the way he's always treated mom and...ME. He drinks a lot most of the time and takes it out on us. Tears began to build up in my eyes and slide down my face, and all I want is to stop crying right now and for my parents to stop crying right now and for my parents to stop arguing and kiss after telling each other they're sorry and that they love each other. That's what couples do, right? That's their promise to each other, right? To stay together through thick and thin until the end. So why were they quitting on each other? Why were they leaving and giving up on their love after an argument? Now I'm sitting here, wiping the tears off my face repeatedly as they fell continuously.

"Fine!! Leave Anthony!! Go ahead!! All you did was play video games, eat, sleep, and get drunk anyway!!" Mom yelled standing up, her eyes narrowing. Dad's eyes widened like he didn't expect that from Mom.

"Wait, Hannah...I'm sorry I-" My father went to say but my mom glared at him.

"Yeah?! Well so am I! Pack your crap and get out of MY house!!" Mom ordered.

"Hannah please..." Dad spoke softly and reached towards Mom but she turned around and crossed her arms over her chest.

"You have until tomorrow to get out...goodnight Anthony.." Mom told Dad before leaving but froze when she saw me.

"Cat...?..Kitten, what are you doing up sweetheart..?" Mom asked softly leaning down and cupped my cheek.

"Nightmare..." I lied. She made a sad face.

"Aw...C'mon Kitten let's get you to bed and I'll read you a story..." She told me and picked me up and brought me to my room and climbed up into my bed.

The next day I watched my dad pack his suitcase, wanting to beg him not to go. After hours of watching with a breaking heart, the suitcases were packed and Mom silently left the doorway, refusing to say goodbye.

"Cat..." I snapped my attention to my Dad as he put a hand on my shoulder and bent down onto his knees. "I'm going on a small trip...I'll be back soon, I promise..." His eyes were full of pain and uncertainty, telling me he wasn't telling the truth. "I love you..." He told me and gave me a tight hug for a final goodbye. He grabbed his bags and left out the door without looking back.

My blood went cold, my heartbeat slowed, and my body felt so delicate. I wanted to chase after him, but my feet were glued to the ground. Tears streamed down my face as the care vanished from sight, and I didn't wipe my tears away.

Years and years passed, and every day I waited for my Dad to come and be a part of the family he destroyed like he promised.

But promises were for good people. People who could keep them.

The problem with our world is that there are too much dishonest, horrific, villainous, and careless people.

The problem with the pleasant people was that they always trusted the dishonest people to keep their promises.

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