Chapter 7 - Hangover

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*Nikkis P.O.V.*

A little party won't kill nobody by Fergie was blaring through the speakers in the living room. Seven shots later I was dancing around with random guys who seemed to know that I was drunk. I was sober enough to know that I am drunk. Though if I have another two shots I probably won't remember the whole night.

I was dancing with a random 6'4 guy with blond hair and dark brown eyes that looked black in the dark light. He was wearing a fitted white shirt with blue jeans and boots.

I had a red solo cup in my hand probably filled with vodka or tequila(Not really sure what one). I felt someone's hands pull around my waist and I dropped my cup. I yelped and turned around to find Harper. He had a death glare on his face aimed that the really cute blonde guy that I had just been dancing with. Harper moved me around him and I ended up staring at his back. I heard muffeled sounds of voices, but before I knew it he was on top of the guy who was just dancing with me. Punching him. I hit Harper trying to tell him to stop. Two other really talk guys came and pulled Harper off of 'blonde dude'. Harper seemed to fight the two other guys and try to pry his arms out of their hands. When he finally convinced the two guys that he won't punch the 'blond dude' they let go of his arms. He took my hand and led me to the kitchen.

"What the hell?!" Harper yelled.

"What the hell, what?" I slurred.

"Why are you drinking!? and where is Elizabeth!?"

"Elizabeth is the reason I'm drinking" I purposefully didn't answer his question.

"Where is Elizabeth, Nikki"

"She left because she thinks I'm a horrible friend" I said and grabbed a cup then poured some tequila in it.

"Oh my god, stop drinking!" He yelled

"Why! It's not like you have to protect ME and only me from alcohol! I don't need a bodyguard! Or a freaking personal police force!" I yelled. His face showed how stunned he was because of what I said to him.

"Now" I said grabbing the not even open bottle of tequila "I'm. Going. To. Party." I walked to the ledge of the loft in Harper's house, yelled to the DJ and told him to play A little party never killed nobody by Fergie again and I leapt off of the loft and onto people's arms. They carried me above their heads and I crowd surfed. When I got let down the DJ turned the music up more and I danced until I couldn't see.


I woke up with a pounding head and not in my own house. I looked around and saw blue walls with black furniture. Now I know I'm in Harper's room, which is good cause then I'm not far from home. I looked to my right and saw a guy with black hair, shirtless and covered with a blanket. Then I looked to my left and saw and another guy with brown hair, also shirtless but sharing my blanket.

Oh dear got they'd better be wearing pants. I thought.

I pulled at the blanket that the guy with black hair had, the blanket moved an inch and I saw the waistband of Calvin Klein boxers and about another inch or so down the waistband of plaid pajama pants. I did the same to the guy with brown hair and saw blue pants on his legs. Then I looked at myself. I had on a maroon bralett and gray sweatpants with my schools football logo on the left leg.

Thank god we have clothes on.

I carefully moved the blanket off of myself and set it on the guy next to me with the brown hair. I walked out of what I assumed was Harper's room and walked to the bathroom to look for a tylenol. I opened a white cabinet that hung on the wall and found a bunch of pills, asprin, cough medicine, and one box of Tylenol. I grabbed four children's pills and put them in my mouth. Then walked to the kitchen and got a glass of water. I downed the water and sat on a barstool that sat at the kitchen counter. I tried to think of what happened last night. All I remember is climbing through Harper's window and then getting in a fight with Elizabeth. After that just waking up between two shirtless guys.

I found some eggo waffles and popped them in the toaster. About a minute later my waffles were ready and I took them out of the toaster. Them I heard a door open.

It was Harper's door and the guy with black hair walked out. "Nikki" he said.

"Who are you?" I said eating my eggos.

"I'm Carlyle"

"Carlyle?" I asked "Like from twilight"

"He's blond" Carlyle said walking to the bathroom, I'm guessing he was getting Tylenol.

"Do you have a thing against blonds?"

"Well if they're blond and sparkle in the sun then yes" he said.

"Okay, so we're you at the party last night?"

"Yes, so were you"

"Oh god was I noticeable? Wait no did I do anything crazy?"

"It's on Facebook, YouTube, and instagram"

"Oh god. What did I do?" I said worried. I reached for my phone which should be in my back pocket. But I didn't know where my clothes were.

"Oh my god! I don't have my phone!" I said

"Carlyle do you know where it is?!"

"Yeah" he simply said like it was no big deal.

"What, where! Give it to me" I said

"It's in Harper's room with your clothes"

"Thank you so much" I said and ran into Harper's room leaving my eggos behind.

I opened Harper's door and saw he was still on the floor sleeping. I looked at his bed and saw my clothes and a few jackets. I looked through the pile of clothes that seemed to be mine. And I found my gold iPhone 6 plus. I just got it about two weeks ago. I unlocked the passcode and walked out of Harper's room. I went on Facebook and saw everything. It had videos of me doing a handstand on a keg, crowd surfing, grabbing a full bottle of tequila. And jumping off the ledge of Harper's loft. I scrolled down more and found video of Harper fighting a blond guy who I was dancing with. Then I noticed one of the guys pulling Harper off of the blonde guy he had black hair. Then I saw his face, it was Carlyle.

"You'rd in this one" I said to him.

"What one?"

"Thus video of Harper beating the crap out of the blond dude" I said

"Oh, yeah, my and Asher the other guy held back Harper so he wouldn't beat the crap out of his second best friend"

"Thats his best friend? And second?"

"Yeah Harper declared that I was his best friend because I've known him the longest. Then the blond guy, his name is Malicai"


"Yeah his parents thought he should grow up to be a poilet so they named him something that supposevly sounded like a poilet"

"Alrighty Then"

"I have one more question though"


"Whos clothes are these?" I said pointing to the bralett and sweatpants.

"We found the top in Haprers sister's things and the sweatpants are mine"

"Oh, well, um- thank you, I guess, for the sweatpants but I need to go back to my house so I can get yelled at for not coming home last night" I said. I started rummaging through cabinets and drawers looking for a plastic bag.

"Okay, um, what are you doing?"

"I need a plastic bag"

"Oh here they're in the pantry" he said opening the door to the pantry and retrieving a plastic bag. He closed the door and walked back towards me.

"Thank you, again"

"Yeah" I walked towards Harper's room again and put my clothes into the plastic bag I tied it up and walked towards the closed window.

"What are doing now?"

"Oh, yeah I live right next to him and that, right there" I pointed to my window "that is my window"

"I see" Carlyle said.

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