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"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

-Marilyn Monroe

Jacob's Point of View

I watched as Paul rummaged through the wooden cabinets, looking for food. "Paul, why are you such a pig?" I asked him from the table, eating a large blueberry muffin.

"Shut up! You have food, I want some too!" he retorted as he went back to scavenging.

"Sam, where's Emily?" Quil asked from the counter next to the sink as he munched on a piece of toast and jam.

"Shopping," Sam answered simply without looking up from his crossword puzzle.

"For food?" Embry asked, looking up from his bowl of cereal. Sam placed his pen down next to the crossword puzzle and looked up at Embry.

"No, Embry. For clothes. In Port Angeles," he specified irritatedly.

"Since when does she go shopping for clothes?" Paul asked, sitting down in a chair backwards, eating an un-toasted S'mores Pop Tart\u00ae. Sam sighed and looked up from his crossword puzzle at Paul.

"Not for herself. For our guest," he said, trying extremely hard to restrain himself from yelling at all of us.

"You guys have a guest?" Jared asked, coming out of the bathroom. He grabbed a hunk of orange cheddar cheese from the fridge and began to devour it. Sam let out a big huff and looked up from his crossword puzzle yet again. I was watching him get more and more frustrated with much more enthusiasm than should have been occurring. I had to hide a smile behind my hand.

"I could have sworn I just said that," he said, glaring at Jared. Jared just blinked at him and kept eating his cheese while staring at Sam with a blank face. I had to stifle a laugh with my hand. Seth was opening his mouth to say something else when Sam threw a nearby fork at his head with such force that when Seth dodged it, it stuck into the wall behind his head.

"No more questions," Sam whispered under his breath. He didn't say anything out loud, but we could all hear his thoughts. 'Stupid kids...eating all my food...too curious...they need to mind their own damn business,' Sam thought.

'It's kinda hard to mind our own damn business when you're thinking so loud,' Paul said.

'I wasn't thinking too loud; you kids are just NOSY!' Sam retaliated.

'Now, now Sam. No need to get so upset...' I cautioned tauntingly. Sam looked from his crossword puzzle to my grinning face. He let out a small whimper as he broke his pen in two, the black ink coming out all over his hands. He put his head against the table and rolled it back and forth.

"I wish Emily were here," he groaned aloud, getting up to wash his hands in the sink. Just then, Emily's car pulled into the driveway and everyone glanced out the window, then looked back at Sam.

"Ask and you shall receive," Jared said. Emily was the first one to come in, carrying a large Nordstroms bag, a Claire's bag, a JCPenney's bag, a Macy's bag, a Victoria's Secret bag and a Cinnabon bag. She set them all down on the table small yellow table that almost seemed to buckle from the weight.

"Ooh! Cinnabons!" Quil said, starting to reach for the bag.

"Ah!" Emily said, smacking him hard on the hand. He withdrew it.

"What?" he asked, rubbing his poor, red appendage.

"These are not for you! These are for me and Calypso," she said to him. Sam came to give Emily a hug and kiss which she gratefully accepted. Afterwards, she looked up at him and said, "Calypso and I are gonna have a girls' night tonight. I'm so excited! You know I've always wanted a daughter and now here she is!" Emily gushed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2011 ⏰

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