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She has a lot of armor! I carefully looked through all the armor when Ezra showed me a gold metal dress. I tried it on and it fit perfectly, I slid the matching arm bands on and pulled my hair into a neat bun. I walked back with Erza to their guild hall. When I walked in some looked at me in awe and others rushed up asking questions.
"One at a time please!"
I called out making them file into a line. They followed me as I sat in a chair.
"Okay go."
The first person asked me their question
"Whats your name?"
"My name is Doku"
"Do you have any magic?"
"None at all"
"Do you have any special abilities?"
"Well, I can't die if that's what you mean. I also stay young and don't really age."
"Fight me!"
"Natsu, I don't have any abilities, you would just be throwing around my body until your tired. So no."
"Why do you love Zerif?"
"Because he gets me, and we traveled together for a long time and we developed feelings for each other, he is very protective of me."
"Do you think he knows where you are?"
"He knew the moment I came out of the book, it's only a matter of days before he comes."
"Would you like to join fairy tail?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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