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I'm scared,
Scared to death,
Of being touted,
In my own home,

By a person,
By a man,
By a thing,
By something,

I can't see,
I can't feel ,
I can't touch,

My heart,
Pounds hard,
Trying to get free,
From the cage its in,

What is this,
This fear I feel,
Shrouding me,
Like a cage,

This fear is,
Running my life,
Keeping me frightened,
Of everyday and night,

I feel it,
Creep up my spine,
Like a cold chill,
I hate this feeling,

That grabs,
And won't let go,
It becomes a feeling,
That won't go away,

No matter,
How hard I try,
I just can't ,
Shake it away.

The end...

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