pt. 2 ~faces~

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"What's wrong?"

"Huh?" Deep in thought, I hadn't realized that Lee had sat down next to me. "Oh, nothing much."

"Don't lie, ________, tell me what happened?"

I stretch my legs out and sigh. "Really, it's nothing much. It's just in art class we had to sketch of a face that has two faces merged into one."

''What kind of assignment is that?"

"Yeah, right?" I breathe in heavily.

"Is that why?" Even though I hadn't elaborated she seems to get it immediately but she changes the subject for my benefit when I can only stare at my feet silently. "Have you heard that your dance teacher is gone for the day?"

"What, really?"

"Yeah, something about a schooling or whatever, but you have a substitute stepping in, I heard you have some assignments from him."

I groan. "And here I thought that the day couldn't get any worse... How do you know all of this anyway? How come the news didn't reach me?"

"Probably because you have been sitting out here by yourself." She throws a thumb over her shoulder. "Joon told me."

"Ah, I see." I wiggle my eyebrows at her and laugh when she hits me. "Stop causing me pain, I already have a bruise from yesterday."

"Aw, come one, don't make it sound so bad."

"Anyway, next time just tell me to get up. I'm not a doll." I stand up when I look at my watch. "Shouldn't be late for this, don't know who the sub will be."

"I know but I won't tell you, you're not going to like it." Lee loops her arm through mine. "Let's go."
Let's see how much more terrible the day can get.

~ ~ ~

Stepping out of the building, I come to a halt when I see heavy rain pelting onto the ground even though it had shined bright earlier. I can't go to work looking like I jumped into a pool.

Grimacing, I reach for my uniform to cover my head which would do the job but then I notice something hovering over me, I look up to find an umbrella.
Lee, my life saver.

Except it wasn't Lee, but Jungkook who was standing behind me as I turn around.

''Oh, Jungkook-ssi (formal way of addressing someone your age).'' I say, startled to find him holding the umbrella over our heads and for the first time I have to look up at him. He is taller and broader than it seemed while we were in class.

Smiling cutely, he starts walking down the steps. Still in shock from him just suddenly appearing like this, I blankly follow him closely.
I should be running for it as I'm already late for my shift thanks to the sub teacher. I look up at him and again see his striking beauty.

Stop it. Stop getting distracted. I mentally slap myself.

I lean my head forward, searching for eye-contact, he focuses on me in an instant. ''Jungkook-ssi, you don't have to cover me, it's not very far for me.''

''It's no trouble for me at all." He responds with smiling eyes.

From up close his smile was even more charming, making my heart flutter. The white sky illuminated him in an ethereal way. I look away shyly in fear of him noticing me staring.

''Thank you (gomawo-yo)." I peek to my right, Jungkook had a knowing smile on his face. Was I that easy to read?

It feels nice to be around him, a comfortable sense of warmth. I can't believe it's only yesterday that we met.
Today we hadn't exchanged any words at all, even in art class we had been busy with our school work. Which makes me wonder whether he's going to be at school tomorrow.

''Are you going to be here tomorrow?'' I ask timidly, not wanting to seem nosy.

He looks down at me. ''Ne (frm. 'yes').''

I nod, smiling. His gaze stays on me, almost expectantly waiting for me to question him more, but again I don't want to be nosy.

We pass the school gate of the school and a sudden sense of loss fills me, the only reason for me to feel like this would be him
It unnerves me, we just met.

Bringing me out of my musing, he stops abruptly making me bump into his side, I look at him startled.
He was looking at something across the street, I follow his gaze and spot a black van with tinted windows parked next to the curb.

Curious to know why he was staring at it like that I return my gaze to him and discover him looking at me, somber.

''You're not in any trouble, right?'' I blurt out without thinking, keeping an eye on the vehicle, fearing that someone is going to jump out. I mean the van does look intimidating.

Next to me I feel something shaking, I look back at him to see his shoulders shaking from silent laughter his head bent down.

''It's not funny.'' I almost yell in embarrassment but he laughs anyway, facing me cutely. And of course with a face like this how can I not start smiling myself.
Grinning from ear to ear, his eyes almost disappearing from smiling so hard, he pats my head.

''You're cute (gwiyowo-yo).'' I hear him say under his breath causing me to blush.

''Makdongie (youngest)!'' Both our heads snap towards the voice yelling from the now open van, due to the rain I couldn't see very clearly who it was. Not that I know them anyway.

''Hyung (older brother)!'' Jungkook shouts back. Since it was someone older than me, I bow good-mannered. I'm not sure he saw, though.

Catching sight of my watch, my eyes almost fall out of their socket. ''Jungkook-ssi, I have to leave first. I'll see you tomorrow. Get home safely." I explain in a rush and bow at the van again, turning to Jungkook, I wave at him and dash into the direction of the café, leaving him standing there under the umbrella, watching me.

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