Part 1

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Finally u were home after a long day at work.. u were really tired and was badly hoping to have a good sleep.. u had a shower soon and were about to fall asleep when ur phone rang... u gave that annoyed look when u saw it was Amy calling.. u knew very well the reason for her to call u! U answered the phone and u heard her scream "Hey Hannah.. me and Eric are going on shopping! We want u to join us.." u had to pull away ur phone because it was too loud for u to bear. And then u replied "nah I can't come today.. u guys enjoy bye.." u hung up before she could reply u.
A little later u heard ur room door knock "come in!" is all what u said with ur eyes closed. And then u felt someone jumping on ur bed which made u to look up... It was Amy and Eric.. "ugh guys what r u both doing here?" U say sitting up. "We r here to take u Hannah.. wake up wake up now!" Eric said pulling ur hands. But u just fell back to sleep and covered ur head with ur pillow and then Eric pulled it away too... and started jumping again! This time u sat up again and talked to them.. "what do u both need actually?" U asked with a grin.. "come with us.  That's all!" Amy replied pulling u outta the bed which made u fall down losing balance. "Errrr Amy!!" U screamed. "Oops sorry 'bout that babe.. let me help u" she said helping u up. So u had to go with them though u didn't want to... 😕
After all ur shopping was over u guys were at a restaurant having coffee and that's when ur mom called u. "Hey mom.." u said. "Hannah dear come home soon I need to tel u something important" she replied and it made u curious a bit... " what's the matter mom?" U say, but she didn't want to tell u unless u went home to meet her. "Alright mom ill be there in 10 minutes" u replied and hung up. "Guys I gotta leave now.. see ya!" U say standing up and walked to ur car. When u went home u saw ur mom and dad waiting out for u.. "what's wrong?" U say walking upto them. "U have to fly to London tonight sweetheart" ur dad say handing u ur passport and the ticket. "But but.. why suddenly?" U say looking at ur mom with a shocked face. "It's all about ur granny.. she is not feeling good.. she is suffering with a bad virus flu lately and her caretaker Mrs. Alice phoned us this evening.. I'm afraid me and dad can't go there right now.. so we thought of sending u baby.." she said with tears filled in her eyes.. "okay mom ill go.. I'll take care of her u need not to worry mom" u replied going in to pack up ur stuff.. u phoned ur hotel manager and got the permission to get a leave for two weeks.. everything was done and u were feeling really bad about ur granny.. and badly wanted to see her soon.. u saw Amy and Eric coming.. "hey we heard that u are going to London tonight babe.." Eric said looking at u packing up.. "yeah actually my granny is sick so I'm going there to check on her because mom and dad are unable to go there now.. I'll be back in 2 weeks.." u say looking at them both. " well anyways we just came here to give ur stuff which u left at the restaurant" Amy said sitting on ur bed.. It was time to go and u gave a quick hug to both of them and ur parents.. then went to the airport.
Now u were at London and u took a taxi to ur granny's place which was not very far from the airport. U were finally there and to ur surprise u saw her doing some work in the kitchen.. "Granny what r u doing there? U should be on rest!" U say walking over to her. She turned around in surprise "Hannah! My darling.. u are here!" She said hugging u tight. "Yes I heard u are not well and I've told u to tell me if anything is wrong with u..  but u didn't I'm just so disappointed grand ma.. u said turning around crying, but she turned u around to her and wiped off ur tears "I'm okay honey.. see? I'm back to normal!" She said with a wide smile.. "yeah I'm glad about it.. Thank god u are okay grand ma.. love u so much" u said hugging her. Later on u had ur dinner with her and had a nice time telling her a lot of things which happened there at New York.. 😊

Some days later....
U met ur old friend Clara who was the daughter of Mrs. Alice and she was one of ur close friends too. U both were walking along the way talking a lot of stuff.. "hey Clara I'm really looking forward on doing a fashion designing course.. u know how badly I wanna be a fashion designer! Can u help me find a good place for me to follow up that course baby?" U say sitting on a bench for a little rest. "Of course I have a good place for it.. actually I'm doing a fashion designing course too and u can join it!" She said smiling. "Omg that's awesome I'm gonna phone dad and tel him that I'm gonna stay here till I finish my course.. wow I'm so happy!!" U say hugging her. "And I need another help too baby" u say. "Yeah what's that?" She said holding ur hand. "As u know I was working at a hotel as the receptionist I need to find a job here too.. and hey u r working as a waitress in some hotel right? I mean as ur part time job? Can I join it too if u have any vacancies available for a receptionist?" U say. " let me check it with my manager baby.." she said winking at u. "Thanks a bunch sweetie.. u are so kind" u say hugging her once more.
2 weeks later...
U were so happy that u got a job as a receptionist and also got the chance of doing ur course on fashion designing... u worked there happily as always.
One day as u were having a small chat with Clara at the hotel u saw girls screaming and running here and there... u went out to see what was wrong and u saw some boys who were trying to get away from the yelling crowd and finally got through it.. They all came inside ur hotel and guards were around them too.. u was wondering who they were when Clara shaked ur hand screaming.. "omg!! It's One Direction! They r here!!!" She said still shaking ur hands in delight. "Are they really them? Omg can't believe this!" U say finally realising who the boys were. "I want u to do something for me Hannah baby.." she said turning over to u.. "oh c'mon don't tel me to get their autographs for u plzz" u say.. "oh please baby I look weird with this dress.. do get me their autographs please" she said holding ur hands. U had to agree to her and finally went there with her notebook and a pen.
U knew very well about these guys and often listened to their songs too but u were not that of a big fan to them... "hey girl get us two pizzas and a plate of pasta with lots of cheese and chicken on top.. and then 5 cups of coca cola.." it was Zayn Malik giving u some orders thinking u are a waitress. "I'm sorry but I'm not a waitress!.." u say shocked. "I don't care about it just go get what I told u now... Please!" He said with an annoyed look. This made u a bit angry. " Excuse me.. i'm telling u I'm not a waitress.. If u want ur orders then please wait til she come and get them.. I'm here for another  purpose" u say with in a little rough voice. "Yeah what's that?" It was Louis Tomlinson. "Uhm hey Louis I'm here to get all of ur autographs for my friend.. can u just sign it please?" U say with a huge smile. "If she needs it then  she should come and get it by herself.. why the hell r u here?" Zayn started talking in a very rude way and it only made u more angry.. "Hello Mr. Zayn Malik it's better if u can keep shut and let me do what I want okay?" U say raising ur voice a bit. "You!!" He was interrupted by Harry. "Stop it Zayn.. enough fighting.." he said holding Zayn's shoulder. Some how u got the autographs and left the place feeling unhappy. Clara was waiting out there for u with a smile on her face but when she saw ur face was dull she gave u a serious look and talked to u.. "did u get them baby? Are u okay?  Did u talk to Zayn?" She kept on asking u these.. "well I didn't talk to him, I fought with him instead" u say giving her the book. U heard her laughing like hell and u looked at her shocked. " do u want me to believe it? Nah I can't baby.. hahaha" she said.. "errr whatever.. I'm going" u say and walked over to ur work place. Then u saw Harry walking up to u with a smile. "Yeah anything I can do for u Harry?" U ask him. "Yeah we need a room baby.. to spend the night for today" he said. "Sure let me check for a room" u smile and start searching on ur book. "Room number 124 is available..  ermm here's the card Harry" u say handing it to him. "Thanks baby.. see ya" he said winking at u and then went away. It was very late now so u thought of staying up and go back home in the morning.. u changed up and was looking for a room in ur book when Harry came up there. "Hey" u say getting ur card. It was room number 128 which was just the opposite to the boys one. U had to go to the the 15th floor so u and Harry went up together. U two had a good time introducing ur selves while going. At last u were there and u gave a quick hug to him before going into ur room.
Next morning u woke up early and washed up soon... at the very moment u opened ur room door.. zayn opened their room door to and u both met right at ur doorsteps.. "Dah.. A bad day to me!" He said with a disgusted look. "Bad day for me too...!" U scream back and banged the door shut.. Louis was right behind zayn and when he just said Hi to u.. ur door was shut.. u went in and sat on ur couch trying to calm down and then u heard ur door knock. U opened it to see Louis standing with a bouquet of flowers. "Good morning sweetheart" he said smiling at u. " u smiled back and replied him "Good morning Louis.." Then he gave those flowers and u hugged him in return. "Can I come in?" He said.. "oh sure.. come in Louis" u say and make him to sit on the couch til u get something for him to drink. "Come sit here baby.. I need to talk with u" he said showing a place closer to him and u sit there. "Yeah tel me love" u say. "Actually it's about zayn... He is been upset lately and he is just fighting with u just to show how bad he feels. Hope u can understand what I'm trying to tell u.." he said holding ur hand. "So then am I the only one to whom he can show off his anger? I mean we just met yesterday and he is fighting as if I've done something wrong to me.. unbelievable!" U say looking away. He just turned ur face to him and smiled. "I know baby.. u are really hurt but zayn has just broke up with his girl.. He is feeling so bad about it and he never shows it to us.. I'm really sorry baby.. He will soon make it all good with u... I swear" he said. " yeah I'm waiting for that.. let him come and talk to me... I'm not gonna utter a word to him now!" U say. "Yeah okay baby.. Well I have to go now the boys are out waiting for me.. I really hope to see u soon baby.." he said walking towards the door.. " see ya soon Louis.. bye" u say hugging him tight.
Next day u were ready to go to ur college and was also there on time. U was really shocked to see the boys there waiting with smiles.. u got off the car and walked towards them still with that surprised look... "what r u guys doing here?" U asked. "Nothing love.. just came out to see u.. We heard u are doing a course or something over here" Liam replied. "Oh yeah a fashion designing course lol.."u say. "Okay baby we'll meet up after ur school.. We have a little surprise for u too" Niall said winking at u.. "oh okay guys see ya.." u say and walk in waving at them.. zayn was just looking down.
After school u went back home and had a shower before u had ur lunch.. While having ur lunch u heard someone calling u out.. u went out to see who it was.. it was a little girl with a bouquet of flowers. "Hey girl.. how can I help u baby?" U say kneeling down to her. "This is for u.. and they want u to come to the park over there now.." she said. "Who are them?" U say with ur eyes wide open. "it's just them.. u go and see them please" she said and ran away kissing ur cheeks. "What? Let me check who are they!" U say to ur self and start walking to the park. There was no one out there.. u got a bit curious now and turned back to go and suddenly u knocked someone.  And it was Zayn! u pull away quickly and then see the others too. They were almost laughing and u just went away and sat on a bench nearby.. "hey Hannah baby come on we were just playing  the fool with u.." Louis said sitting next to u. "Yeah okay it's fine" u say. And he hugs u tight. After a great deal of talking and laughing the boys were feeling so thirsty so they went to get something to drink leaving u and Zayn alone. U both talked nothing except meddling ur phones. Then u saw a fat man coming up towards u both... He sat right in the middle of u too and u both stared at him in shock. He started eating a bun and u both was more shocked to the way he ate it as if he hadn't ate for years.. and then he stood up and started walking away.. u both were controlling ur laughter and once he went u both started laughing like never before and then suddenly he punched at u still laughing like he does for the boys.. and it made u stop laughing and look at him he too stopped laughing and looked at u... " erm sorry for that..." he said looking down. "Yeah it's okay" u say and looked away. "I'm sorry again" he said looking up. U turned around "I said it's okay zayn!" U say. "I know but that was for acting stupid.. I know u are angry with me baby.. I'm really sorry I was just upset about something lately.." he said looking at u. " I know zayn it's okay.. I'm not angry with u at all.. its just I was upset.. but now I'm okay" u say smiling at him. " he have a sigh of relief and smiled back at u.. " so friends?" He said. "Sure!" U reply and shake hands with him and then he pulled u to a tight hug.. The boys were on the way back and they started joking  at u both when they saw u both hugging..
"Whoa whoa.. look at this guys.. seems like zayn has found a new friend!" Louis said laughing at u both.. "haaha yeah Louis I'm his new friend!" U say with a cheeky face. So then u guys had a wonderful time that evening and u had to go home because it was getting dark.. u hugged them all and waved good bye before going inside ur house.
  2 months later...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2016 ⏰

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