Missing You

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You jogged around and around the track mindlessly in the middle of the day. You had just gotten out of your art class in the college you had applied for and were mentally drained. You sighed and slowed to a walk.

"This is boring... I miss him..." you spoke of your boyfriend wistfully. The college you had gotten a scholarship to was in India, too far away from your amazing Icelandic boyfriend. He had wanted to stay with you, but the campus rules said no couples. That and his overbearing brothers had wanted him to stay with them. You sighed again, pouting. You wanted to be with him so badly, especially after the amazing night you had before you had left.

You giggled and twirled as Emil spun you to the music. He loved watching your dress flare out around you, loved watching the way your face lit up in happiness each time he let you spin. That wasn't the only thing he loved... he loved you. He loved your pretty (h/c) hair and your gorgeous (e/c) eyes. He couldn't get enough of you. When the song ended, you clapped and bounced in excitement.

"Emil, this is amazing! Thank you so much for bringing me here! I know you're not a big fan of dancing, so this means a lot to me," you kissed his cheek excitedly.

"It's no problem, (Y/n). I love doing things with you. You are all that matter to me. But I didn't just come here to dance, you know," Emil said softly into your ear. You raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Emil, what do you mean?"

Emil only smiled softly and took your left hand in his, reaching behind him for something. You only watch in curiosity as he pulled out a small box and knelt down on one knee.

"(Y/n), we have been friends since long before I can remember. You were my best friend that stuck by me through everything. We grew and I was lucky enough to be able to call you my girlfriend for the past six years. (Y/n), would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" he asked, opening up the box to reveal a stunning silver band with a decently sized diamond glittering up at you. It was perfect, simple and elegant, exactly the style you loved. Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked down at him. This was the best surprise of your life.

"Yes! Of course Emil! A thousand times yes!" you answered with complete love and happiness. Emil beamed in pride and eagerly slipped the ring onto your finger. At last, you were his. He stood up and you flung your arms around him to hug him tightly. He chuckled lightly and kissed your cheeks, wiping your watery eyes.

"(Y/n), ég elska þig. So much," he whispered in your ear. You smiled widely and kissed his cheek again in your joy.

"I love you too, Emil," you said back with sincerity.

You sighed again at the memory, fiddling with the ring around your finger. That night, he had helped you pack and had promised to call every night. You both made promises to speak regularly and to schedule visits. You were horrified to discover that the dorm you lived in with your roommate had no power outlets to charge your phone. There was no wifi. There was no air conditioning. It was a sweaty nightmare. You still didn't know how the native Indian people managed because you were sweating your ass off. The only perk was your car, which had lovely, lovely air conditioning. You only wished it had a cord to charge your phone. You missed Emil so much and wanted to talk to him, to hold him, to cuddle him. Your body ached for his love and affection. You shook your head to stay focused. Your task now was running. You needed inspiration for that art project. Inspiration, (Y/n), so get running. Reluctantly, you pushed yourself for another few laps.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ 

Emil knocked on your dorm room door, hiding a bouquet of flowers behind his back. He wanted to surprise you. He had missed his fiance so much and wanted to see you. He still remembered the sad face on your expression when you realized you couldn't Skype with him any longer, when you realized that regular communication was not going to be a thing due to the college's lack in technological advancements. His heart ached to make you feel better. He also knew that you were finishing up school and graduating soon from the letters you tried so hard to write in his native tongue. You had been taking extra classes with all the free time you would have been using talking to him to get ahead and graduate way ahead of schedule. He was so proud of you, his genius lover. He also couldn't deny that reading your attempts in Icelandic was adorable. It made him grin to think about it. You were actually pretty good from all the time you had heard him speak it to you.

Missing You (Iceland x Reader Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now