Hawaiian Rolls

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I spin on my ratted desk chair, waiting for my brother, Amo, to get ready. Today we're going to go surfing at Hagemeyer Beach, just two minutes down the road. I plant my feet to the ground, my nike sandals squeaking on the polished wood.

"m'kay, sis, I'm all readyyyyy" Amo sings, his head poking out from behind my door. I chuckle, brushing my hair into a messy ponytail. The sunlight splatters around my room and quickly whip my body from the chair, pushing Amo out of the door and into our lighted kitchen. The backdoor is open and the smell of steak and hot dogs wafts through air.

"Going out?" My dad, Al, says to Amo and I. We both nod, running into the garage to grab our boards. "I heard the waves'll be big today," He calls.


I Lie on my board, waiting to hoist myself up to catch a wave. Dad was right, the waves are gigantic today. My eyes scan the ocean and catch a wave hurtling towards me. I smirk and paddle about ten feet away and scramble to my feet. I ride up the wave and twist my body, turning the board downwards and my stomach drops with it.

And then I fall.

I let out a "WHOO" under the wave and smile. I swim to the surface and grip onto the board, swimming to the shore.

When I finally dog-paddle--The waves wouldn't let me swim normal-- Amo cries out. "That was the worst epic fail I've ever seen!" Okay, yes. We're both very childish, but I'm serious I'm in my seventeen-year-old-grandma mode.

"I'm going to go get some snacks from Snack Attack. Want anything?" Amo says, nodding towards the little shack that holds food. I nod, knowing he knows what I want--nachos.

When he left that's when I saw him.

Zach Bellino.

The classic heartthrob from Halli High school.

My stomach flips and I turn away, frightened of him. Most girls are lovey-dovey on him--but i'm not. In fact I'm more frightened he'll murder me or something.

Dark hair and light eyes, apparently a good mix. Or at least on him. I'm not going to lie, if he wasn't such a jerk I would go for him. I tug on my soaked shirt, almost accidently pulling my bikini top down--which no one noticed-- and pick my board up to go catch another wave.


I pop another nacho into into my mouth.

"Seen your boyfriend today," Amo grins at me. I glare at him. Okay I guess I kinda, just a little bit had a crush on Zach a long time ago, before he turned into a douchebag.

"He is not my boyfriend," I retort, wiping cheese from the corners of my mouth. He giggles a little girl giggle and stands up to throw his trash away.

"Ok, Biscuit," Amo calls to me. I stick my tongue out at him and return to my nachos

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