See You Later

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The car engine roared, the windows were rolled down (her command) and the music was in moderate. She was staring out the window, all smiles on her face. He's glad she had fun, though he didn't really plan for anything at all, this day turned out great more than he thought.

"You can drop me off from where we met earlier." She said.

Oh, right. She called it a night, thinking it was already late, when it was yet barely 8 pm. But he can't say anything to it, he didn't want to look excited or desperate for more time with her. Besides, there's still tomorrow, he can ask her out tomorrow. And this time, it will be him planning it out.

"Are you sure? I can drive you to your house, you know." He offered.

She shook her head. "No need. You're tired."

He wanted to push it, but he didn't know how to make it sound...undesperate. If that was even a word.

"I have loved you since I was 18." She sang. "We took a chance, God knows I tried. Yet all alone I know we'd be fine. So pour me a drink, oh, love. Let's split the night, wide open. And we'll see everything we can living love in slow motion, motion, motion."

And she hummed to the refrain, and joined to the chorus. "I have loved you since I was 18...."

She's changing "I" from "we".

He took another glance at her and he noticed she was now smiling sadly. Good, it's not only me who's feeling bad that this day is going to end.

Then he thought of the only connection they have. I mean, it looks like she didn't want this night to end either, and I feel the same. Though he doesn't really intend to do 'that', he has no other way of letting her stay longer. "Hey, what about we hang out longer. You know, at the usual." He said at the usual tone and expression he always uses when he asks her for it years before. Right now is just with a different intention.

It took her quite a moment to answer. And it made him really anxious. She has never even tried declining him, no matter how late, how impossible or how crazy it seemed. And before it didn't matter to him if she did accept or not, he had others he can call, but right now was pretty different. He's seriously nervous that she's not answering.

"Is something wrong?" He turned to her worriedly.

And for a moment that their eyes locked, he saw in her expression for the briefest moment the saddest face he had seen on her for the whole day. And it surprised him how hard his chest was tugged with the sight of her like that.

His feet reflexively stepped on the breaks. He turned to her immediately to ask her what's wrong and find ways to make her feel better. But when he turned to her again, her whole expression changed. She was smiling again.

He was confused if he really saw her sadness or was it just his eyes playing on him.

"Sorry Hale, not tonight." She answered. She unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped out. "Thanks for taking me back." She grinned.

Wait, what? Why is she getting out? Oh great, we arrived. And I even stepped on the break at the most fortunate time to console her.

"Y...yeah, sure. My pleasure."

She smiled still. "Thanks for being with me for the whole day, though I did force you." She laughed a little. "It means a lot."

He couldn't help but smile back. "Don't worry about it, I enjoyed your company. I should also express my gratitude for taking me to places I didn't even think of going."

Her eyes sparkled in delight, and it was such a great thing to see. He wished he could watch her eyes glow like that always. "Well, I need to go. Thanks again."

Unable to open his mouth to say anything else, he casually lifted his other hand from the steering wheel as a goodbye to her.

"Goodbye, Hale." She smiled and then turned away, walking towards a black car parked not too far away. Probably her friends, he thought. He grinned as he watch her get into her car and drive away.

Stupid girl, it's see you later. Not good bye.

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