Chapter 27

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I raced up the stairs but skidded to a stop outside his door.

I can't do this.
I can't do this.
What if he doesn't remember me?

I messed with my ring and paced outside the room.

One of the doctors came out and grinned at me, "Nicole?"

I nodded, "Does he..?"

He shook his head, "No, he barley remembers his name... It may be good for him to see you though, maybe jog his memory a little."

I nodded but stayed put.

"I can't.."

The doctor put his hand on my shoulder, "He really needs you right now, I know it's hard to see him in this position, but you need to be strong for him." He smiled.

I nodded and the doctor walked away, leaving me alone outside of Christian's room.

Here goes nothing...

I slowly peeked my head in the room and smiled. He's sitting up with a confused look.

And then he saw me.

His face completely lit up and he smiled, man I missed that smile.


I completely broke down. I covered my face and sobbed into my hands.

"Stop crying! It's okay, come here, I need you." He said. I ran to his bed and he sat up so he could hug me.

"It's okay, don't cry."

"I missed you."

"How long was I out?"

"Two days." I said pulling away and wiping my tears.

I cried harder, I missed his eyes.

"They told me you didn't remember anything." He wiped under my eyes.

"But I remember you. Everything about you, how we live together and," he picked up my hand, "how we made this promise."

"Crap I missed your voice." I said hugging him again.

"What about Crawford?" I asked.


I pulled away and I'm sure my face looked terrified.

"Kidding. He's my brother."

I sighed.

"Actually.. I remember everything. I woke up an hour ago and couldn't even think of my name."

"They called me 10 minutes ago?"

"They wanted to make sure I was staying awake or something.."

I hugged him again and he pulled me on to the bed with him. His arms tightly around me and his face buried in my shoulder.

"Should we call your family?"

"No, I just want to be with you."

I laughed and kissed his cheek.

He grabbed my face and kissed me like he hasn't in years. I pushed him closer, being careful not to touch his stitches.

I pulled away and placed my head on his shoulder. He laid down and I laid down with him.

"I missed your arms."

"I missed you in my arms."

I smiled and he pulled me closer.

"What even happened?" He asked.

"I don't know, I heard a crash, I called your name three times to no answer, then when I went downstairs you were on the ground because you slipped on some kind of cooking oil or something-"

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