What Just Happened?

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My mind kept spinning as we went to drop off Tyler then head home. It's doesn't even feel right to call it home, or that Joey and Daniel were now dad, or that when I get there ill have two dogs. How could that even happen? So many bad things happen and so many good. It doesn't even feel real. I swear I'm going to wake up at any moment to my siblings yelling at each other any minute and my mom no where to be found just like any other morning. Right now I'm just walking in some dream, some crazy, messed up dream.But I never did, time was the slowest it's ever been, what would normally be a fifteen minute ride seemed like a five hour ride. 

I felt really bad about Joey's head. There was a bump on his forehead that was a deep purple. I was still listening to Three Days Grace when we pulled up to his house. I pulled out only one earbud, again. 

"So you ready to meet your brothers?" Joey asked turned around in his seat with a big grin on his face as Daniel got out of the car and went to the trunk.

I nodded stiffly. New place I thought. I actually started to shake a little as I got out of the car and went to the trunk to grab my backpack. Daniel asked if I was ok. I nodded again even though  I wasn't even close to being ok. I was lightheaded, everything seemed to move around me, I was with the two people I looked up to most-who were now my parents, my stomach hurt, and I was petrified. I slowly followed them to the house. 

when we got in I stopped in the doorway and couldn't move I was so scared. Storm and Wolf were running over and Joey and Daniel were saying something but I couldn't hear them. Everything began to sway side to side, I couldn't see straight because everything was blurry, then black, and that was the last thing I remember.

                            *                          *                      *                             * 

My eyes opened slowly. I saw I was laying on a bed in a empty room I've never seen in my life. I heard voices coming from outside the door that I didn't recognize. But I did recognize my bag sitting in a chair in a corner of the room. I went to it and I grabbed my laptop then went on Skype. I called my friend Madi, no response, then McKayla, no response, Jaydin, no response,Destiny, no response, Khloe, no response, Cheyanne, nothing, finally I tried to call Kyara, nothing. Were they all ignoring me? 

I decided to go figure out where I was. My mom probably just wanted to go to a friends house and dragged us along with her late last night so I was tired and don't remember anything. I opened the door and followed the voices. Whoever they were they liked to decorate, a lot. But two dogs stopped me on the way. I thought they looked familiar but I just kept going. My mom wasn't in the room when I got there, just these two guys, who also looked familiar. 

"Have you seen my mom?" I asked them. 

They looked stricken and confused. They looked at each other then back at me. Why were they looking at me like that? Was it obvious? Was she actually in that room? Oh. It all came back in a rush. My friends didn't answer because they were all dead or in the hospital. My mom wasn't here because my family was gone. I was in this place I didn't recognize with these people who I thought were familiar because they were now my family and I was living with them.  A lump started to form in my throat. Everything was getting blurry. 

"I'm sorry. I don't know how I forgot." 

"It's not your fault." Joey said while coming over and hugging me. 

I ran up the stairs and into the room I woke up in locking it as soon as I got in. I buried myself under the covers so they wouldn't hear me cry. They were both outside the door knocking and telling me that it's ok and they were there for me and they'd help me, and I should open the door. But I wouldn't. I just ignored them and hoped they'd go away. But one thing I should've known about them from watching their videos was that they didn't give up easily. After about twenty minutes of them still standing out there trying to get me to open the door I just put in my earbuds and cranked up the volume until I couldn't hear them.

                       *                      *                      *                           *

My mom was screaming up the stairs that we had to leave. But I didn't want to go. I hated going to my dad's house. Everyone was always in a bad mood and yelling at each other, which isn't that different than at home but at least there I can escape here, at his place there is only five small rooms and no where to hide. "I'm not going!" I yelled down. "yes you are!" Was her response. Then like always she walked off. 

I don't know why I decided to do what I did. I packed my bag with everything I'd need. My dad always parks in the back because people aren't supposed to park in the front. I walked down the stairs and listened for my mom. I couldn't hear her so I walked to the kitchen and looked outside to see if she was talking to him. She was. Of course. I walked out the front door so no one would see me leave and as soon as I was out of the door I bolted. I didn't look back. I don't now where I was going, I just ran. 

I stopped eventually I had no idea where to go. Madi. She'd understand. She knows how much I hate it there.  And my mom and dad don't know where she lives. I ran for her house. I stayed there for a week then decided that I should go. Teen Choice was coming and I had to get there in time. I slept on the streets hidden so no one would find me. I had to do this for two weeks before I got to where I needed to be. I used my money to get into a hotel. I washed up to get ready for tomorrow night when I'd be leaving to go to the Teen Choice Awards which was only about an hour walk. I slept well for the first time in a long time. The next day I left. But after about twenty minutes my mom found me. How I don't know, but she did. 

She yelled at me to get in the car. I tried to pretend I couldn't hear her and just kept walking but she pulled over and tried getting out of the car. But I looked over and saw her my dad and siblings all in the car looking at me. I looked back at her. she told me to get in the car but I didn't she started to get even more pissed then she was. She kept telling me how stupid I was for leaving. I started shaking with anger. I turned away from her and just kept walking. She chased after me until she was right behind me. 

she still was yelling at me. I spun around. I wanted nothing more than to punch her. But I knew she would hit back, and she was definitely stronger than me. "Why would you do this to us!" she yelled at me.

"Because I. Hate. You." I said then turned and ran with the image of her shocked face in my mind. She didn't bother trying after that.

                     *                   *                   *                   *

I woke up with the blankets on the floor and tears streaming down my face. I hugged my knees finding that I didn't have anything else to hug because I kicked everything off the bed while I was asleep. 

Why did I say that to her? Why did that have to be the last thing I said to her? 

It was 4:57 when I finally stopped. I made my bed and brushed my hair then got dressed. When I was done I heard people talking downstairs. I was kind of an ass to Joey and Daniel today. I went downstairs to apologize but when I got down there I couldn't form any words. I just stood there like an idiot. I didn't know if I should go back upstairs or not. They were just looking at me. I looked down and saw Storm sniffing my leg. I sat down there and petted him. He was so cute. After awhile Wolf came over too. They attacked my face with kisses. I tried to get away but ended up falling . I covered up my face with my arms and couldn't stop laughing. I heard Joey and Daniel laughing too. 

Eventually I escaped them and stood up so they wouldn't be able attack me again. Joey and Daniel laughed were done laughing now but I saw them smiling and I smiled back and thought maybe this won't be so bad after all. 

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