The Accident

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💧Tray's POV💧

Me and Lyrica have been arguing non-stop lately about nothing honestly and we were starting to finally get back on track when I accused her of cheating. In the process of me doing so I just so happened called her a whore and told her that I should've just married Bianca if I wanted to marry a Bitch and she walked out in tears and threw her ring at me. I feel horrible and like a asshole for treating her wrong.

Tray: -sitting in the living room,phone rings- Hello?

Dr.Minko: Is this Mr. Simmons?

Tray: Yeah?

Dr.Minko: It's about your finance Ms. Hanson?

Tray: Yes, what about her?

Dr.Minko: She was in a car accident and she's been requesting for you

Tray: OKay i'm on my way -gets up and walks out,driving to the hospital-

-An hour later-

Tray: -walks in-

Nurse: Mr. Simmons?

Tray: -looks and walks over there- Yeah

Nurse: follow me -takes him to the 6th floor and to room 345- she's in here but, she may be sleep

Tray: -walks in and sees her hooked up to wires-

Nurse: -leaves-

Tray: -holds her hand- Babe

Lyrica: -sleep-

Tray: I'm sorry...-tears up- I-I didn't mean any of that and I know for a fact that you aren't cheating but, I was just all messed up in the head and I'm sorry and I understand if you don't want to marry me anymore baby....I love you.

Lyrica: -wakes up- I love you too -smiles small-

Tray: You...still wanna marry me?

Lyrica: -nods- 

Tray: -lays next to her-

Lyrica: why'd you think I was cheating?

Tray: you were always out late

Lyrica: We do have a wedding to plan

Tray: -thinks- DAMN i'm so fuckin dumb

Lyrica: -laughs- I know

Tray: -laughs- I'm sorry

Lyrica: -kisses his cheeks-


It's kinda short but, I'm having major writers block right now :(

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