danisnotonfire: hey phil
danisnotonfire: i looked on the website of this project thing
amazingphil: oh no don't ask me questions i didn't learn the manual
amazingphil: i'm gonna get fired
danisnotonfire: no you aren't silly
danisnotonfire: but it says that everyone working there now has been helped by it in the past
danisnotonfire: is that true
amazingphil: yeah, i guess it is
amazingphil: in my last year of university one of my friends died suddenly
amazingphil: times were tough
amazingphil: it was hard to get through a single day
danisnotonfire: that's exactly me right now
amazingphil: so i came here
amazingphil: and then wanted to help others
danisnotonfire: what would you have been otherwise?
amazingphil: well i liked media
amazingphil: when i was little, i wanted to be a weatherman
amazingphil: or an ice cream truck driver
danisnotonfire: i know what i want to be
danisnotonfire: happy
okay im sorry about the break!! i took a month off for mental health and im in a much better place now!! updates will hopefully become sorta regular, sorry again guys pls forgive me
Helpline ➸ Phan [texting]
ספרות חובביםafter dan howell is diagnosed with depression, his parents seek him help - but not in the way he may have expected. he's partnered up with phil lester online, someone who supposedly knows about mental health, with one instruction: text him. ❝ amazin...