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I have something to say watch this video!!! 

Okay done well isn't that SCARY I mean impersonating a famous youtuber to lure KIDS!!! I don't know what to say I mean when people actually start getting kids to go and MEET THEM IN PERSON!!! EVEN IN 1 case the PARENTS KNOW THAT THERE WAS A PERON YOUTUBER THAT WAS GOING TO SEE THE DAUGHTER AND THE PARENTS EVEN LET HER WITH JUST KNOWING THE NAME AND TALKS!!! I am very ashamed now I am very scared cause I do not know when this has started but is MEAN THAT IT HAS BEEN HAPPENING FOR YEARS!!! For YEARS!!! and yet I am also ashamed if some minecraft youtubers that are not telling their fans or warning but maybe that also means the viewers are very smart for not following that type of person.

Here is what he says: 

          Who are you business of fanmail Hello... You wanted to talk to me? The things above is what I normally do to my friends I thought you were my friends pranking me again.. I'm so so sorry about this indecent, I was trying to prank my friend with Minecraft 1.5.2 Cracked and I needed someone to test it for me, I lied a lot, then it became big, and I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to make anyone sad, do I kept it on and I said this January I will say Sam doesn't respond to me but now it's February   It's all my fault I was greedy. Now I'm shaking talking to you about this I was going to use this on my friend when this ended but now I don't want to use it please forgive me, I don't want to be known as a pedo! Please don't post this vid! I don't want to be mocked as I learned my lesson. This was a lame excuse but I couldn't think of anything but I couldn't think of anything else, Im not you NO. 1 fan but I like your videos, Im sorry I pranked your fans on many other youtubers too im so sorry please don't post a video, a tweet will be enough please  sam! Please dont be in a bad mood im already suffering and I promise i wont use it EVER again. I know you wont forgive me but please don't upload that video! upload tokyo soul instead please! I dont want to get bullied again! sam I started watching you this year. my friend loves you I wont mention his name because im a pedo noe  If you are angry please dont be angry with others only me it was my fault I am the evil one ban me from shallwecraft ban me from anything I learned my lesson already I didn't know this would happen i was suppose to only lie to 1 person and say sorry cause I was only going to do it once!! But then they invited their friends and I didn't want them to feel sad do i kept going I like relationships I now know how evil i am and what a s**t i am because i lied to them The good thing i did was make friends and make them teamwork All the others were schemed or was my friends schemed I don't want to be a bully but i didnt know, im a bully now and i dont want my school to know because then i will lose my only friend that LOVES you You can mock me/swear at me but just dont post it online i will do anything besides tel you my personal info and why i am a fan I have to go ): please dont think i am avoiding you i just have school tomorrow i can stay up a few more more hours but after then i have school im so sorry If you do post it I will be ashamed but I still love your videos even if i get ashamed but you should make dom an alien You can post it if you want you should make a TROLLING IMPERSONATORS series lol


Now in the beginning i am thinking well he is showing remorse until the very end where he starts to get off subject and start poking fun at it. Now I have seen some of the comments and request about joining the team. Well that is the end of this rant. tell me your opinions on this matter. Afternoon, Morning, Night.

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