Chapter 1

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Lexi's pov://

I sprinted to my office to check my emails. The organization is supposed to be sending me information on my Mom and Dad's mission today. I scrolled through my emails and finally found it.


Subject: Mission 481

Location: Embassy Hotel..London, England

Time: Flight at 7:00 pm tonight

Information: Log onto data base and get a list of recent check ins. We will send you more information as we get it, via smart watch and tablet.


Wow tonight. I need to go pack my stuff. I rush up to my room and grab my large maroon suitcase and my PINK bag. I make sure I get my computer, tablet, and all my hacking equipment. I also pack my motion censored cameras, microphones, and many more random gadgets I might need in my PINK bag. I then start packing all of my clothes and other necessities. I packed a variety of sweaters, jackets, sweatshirts, tops, t- shirts, pants, shorts, dresses, many different kinds of shoes, and bras and panties in my suitcase. I then packed my toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and all my hair stuff, makeup, and perfume and lotions. No telling how long I'll be there. I packed all of my chargers and went back down to my office. I put in the combination for my safe and got my knives and my pistol then packed them in the special compartment in my suitcase so they won't be detected. Okay. I think I'm done.

I took a quick shower and got dressed in grey and black joggers, a plain black long sleeve shirt, and white adidas shoes. I put on my smart watch and my small silver necklace from my parents. (In the top box) I dried my hair and put it in a messy bun and brushed my teeth. I then grabbed my phone and put on my glasses, also from the agency, that could do many thing such as face identification, weapon detection, and many other things. Okay. I think I'm ready and it's already 5:13. I better go. I dragged my suitcase downstairs and then shoved it in my car then got in and pulled out of the driveway.

I arrived at the airport and went through security. While I was waiting on my flight, I checked my watch for any more updates from the agency. None. Okay. I grabbed my phone and texted my best friend Alli. She also works as a spy with me.

(L- Lexi and A- Alli)

L- I'm going today.
A- That's great you finally get to go! Please be careful...
L- I will be super careful. I promise
A- Good. You know that guy Adam?
L- The one you have a crush on?
A- How did you know!
L- You talk about him constantly duh
A- I'm going on a date with him tonight!!
L- That's great!
A- I'll talk to you later. He's here!!!
L- Have fun (;


After a few more minutes, my flight was finally called to board. I grabbed my bag and got on the plane. I luckily had a window seat. My favorite. I leaned my chair back and got comfy. This is going to be a long flight. I closed my eyes and eventually dozed off. I awoke to the intercom saying we were here. Wow. I slept a long time. Not surprising for me. I saw an older lady in the seat beside me fast asleep.

"Mam, we are landing." I said tapping her lightly.

"Oh. Well, thank you sweetheart." She said and smiled.

"No problem." I replied and grabbed my bag.

Once we got off, I got my suitcase and got a rental car. I put in the address of the hotel into my phone's gps and started off. I arrived at the hotel and marveled at it. It was colossal and just gorgeous. Well makes since the person would be hiding here. Basically this person or couple of people have been building some kind of lasers to saw people in half and have been kidnapping people to test it on. He/ they kill anyone that gets in their way or use them to test the laser on. I parked my car and got out. The cold air blowing caused me to hurry to get all my things and get inside the hotel . I checked in and my room was on floor eight. I got in the elevator and I was the only one on it. It's pretty late here. I think it's almost midnight. The elevator dinged and I stepped off of it and started walking down the hallway. I turned a corner when someone ran into me knocking me down. I dropped my bag and my suitcase and hit the floor. Ouch.

"Shit. I'm so sorry." A guy with an American accent said and helped me up. "I'm Jack by the way." He said. I looked up and saw he had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He was pretty attractive.

"Lexi." I replied.

"Beautiful name." He smiled.

Oh his smile. It's so perfect. No Lexi. You aren't here for guys. You need to focus.

"Thank you. Nice bumping into you, but I really should get going." I said and picked up my stuff and started hurrying off.

"Wait-" he said.

"See ya later." I said unlocking my room and walking straight in.

I dropped all my stuff and collapsed onto the bed. The room is beautiful and I am exhausted, but I still have to hack into the database. I opened my bag and got out everything I needed. I hooked up everything to my laptop and started. And done. Pretty easy actually. I downloaded the list of all the recent check ins and sent them to the agency. Now I am going to bed. I took off my shoes and turned the lights off and laid down in the comfy bed. I was out as soon as I hit the pillow.

Author's note://

I hope you enjoyed it. Please vote! Comment and tell me what you think. I read ALL comments. (: Thank you for reading! ❤️


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