Chapter 8

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Lexi's pov://

As we were eating, I explained everything to Alli. She was beyond excited about me meeting a new guy. I've only had one boyfriend previously, and it ended bad. That's why I've never really had another. He was on a mission to get information about me. When I found out and confronted him about it, he admitted it but said that he just fell in love with me after a while. I believed him, but it turned out he was just lying the whole time. He almost killed me. The doorbell rang interrupting my thoughts.

"Hm, I didn't think anyone was supposed to be here." I said getting up and walking to the front door.

I opened the door and looked around but didn't see anyone. I was about to close the door when a letter on the doorstep caught my eye. I picked it up and it had Alexis written on the front. This is really creepy. I closed the door and locked it and sat back down.

"Who was it?" Alli asked.

"No one, but this letter was sitting on the doorstep." I replied opening the letter.

I opened up the folded paper and read aloud.

You got away...for now. Don't worry, I know how to get you once and for all. I know your weakness. Everyone that knows about this has to be eliminated. You get to watch.     .-Germany-.
   All my love, J

"Alli, Jack, he- he has Jack. I have to go." I studdered.

"Not alone, I'm coming with you." She says.

"Alli, it's dangerous."

"I know, and I don't care. You can't do this alone." Alli insisted.

"Okay. We should start packing. We're leaving tonight." I sighed.

"Alright, I'll be back in two hours." She said standing up.

"Okay, see you then." I replied throwing the trash away.

I locked the door after Alli left and hurried upstairs and started packing while playing Jack and Jack music. Their music is really good! I have a feeling I'm going to be listening to it a lot. After I had everything I needed packed, I lugged my suitcase downstairs. I went into my office and put my hand on the side door opening a vault of my best, most lethal weapons. I'm gonna need them. I got a bag full and closed the vault. So Jack is in Berlin, Germany. I sure hope there is a flight tonight. I got on my laptop and luckily I got tickets to Germany and booked a hotel. A few minutes later, Alli came and was ready to go.


I took a deep breath as we stepped into the streets of Berlin. This is it. We walked a little distance from the hotel and sat down on a bench and I pulled out my phone.

"Alright, I found a location for Jack. It's only about a ten minute walk. Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yes, are you?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." I sighed.

"Alright then, let's go." Alli stated and I nodded and stood up.

We walked for a while and finally reached the building. It was a really tall building and I could tell there was a rooftop floor, always Jasper's pick. We snuck in the back door and I pulled out my high voltage laser gun. It can kill in one shot. We took the stairs, because Jasper would hear the elevator. After countless flights of stairs, we finally reached the top door. I crouched down and peered through the glass. I scanned around and finally saw Jack and G tied up. Jack was just looking around. His eyes landed on me and I immediately put a finger up to my lips signaling him to be quiet. He nodded slowly. I saw the worry in his eyes. I mouthed 'it's okay' and looked around for Jasper. I finally saw him and other men messing around with some machine. I looked back at Alli and gave her a nod and slowly turned the door handle. We crept in silently and hid behind shrubs.

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