Chapter 7: Street fighter reavlived

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Luke's POV

it was Friday and It was Toby who had water splashed all over him, and I just drove pass him. and today I drove home and when I walked in, my dad was drunk, slurring and everything, he even threw something on the floor, I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs slamming my bedroom door shut, I saw my baby sister in the corner of my room crying, it broke my heart to see her like that so I ran and kneed down and I hugged her and tried to calm her down I whispered some really nice things to cheer her up, she's only about 7 years old and she would tell me everything, and I mean everything that was wrong.

"Bunny what's wrong?" That was my nickname for her and she loved being called that

"Daddy, yelled at me a-and hew camw really closw to me with hiw hant in thew airt." I looked down at my little sister crying against my chest, and what she just told me angered me, but I tried to keep my  cool around my lil sis.

I was in my car driving I hit the steeling well a couple of times, I was pretty mad and when I mad I intend to hit things and cuss at people, I went to a street fighting thing and I go to things once and awhile, I was sitting in the front row and waiting for it to start, when it did I heard "Please welcome up dark angel and I can't pronounce the name sorry. . . . ." A short figure walked out and walked to  the ring, and got in, and took there hoodie, realiving. . . . Max's. . . . .  A guy taller about 6'2 came out and he looked like he was on drugs

"Alright guys, shake hands." They shook hands, and glared at each other

They rang the bell thingy and the fight started with them circling each other and then out of no where the guy tried to punch her but she dodged it and twisted his arm, leading to Max's taking him down quickly, that guy is weak!

She whispered something into his ear and then the guy with the speaker thing said "And the winner is Dark angel!" Everyone was quiet real quiet, then he called up the next person who ever wanted to go against her.

Max's was fighting someone with a knife to be honest it is real worrying me about what's gonna happen, Max's was doing really good until the person stabbed her, she looked at the knife and took it out throwing it into the garbage and punched the person, when they were done she got out of the ring and walked off some where, I followed her, and she pulled off her tank top and looked at her bruise, I walked and stood in front of her, she looked surprised and backed away into the wall, I walked towards her and put my hand on both side of her, looking at her bruises that were healing slowly.

She had a look in her eyes a look I know very well, fear, is that the look she had in her eyes the whole time she was fighting? I looked at her bruise that was bleeding and grabbed the first aid-kit and did what I needed to do to help her,

"Thanks." She whispered smiling a little bit

"Your welcome" I said looking into her blue eyes, they held something,  something I haven't saw In awhile. . . .

"Can you hand me my bag please?" She whispered, I got It and handed it to her

"Thank you." She whispered

"Your welcome."  I paused "Do you need a ride home?"

"I rather be any where but there." she whispered

"Do you wanna." I paused "Sleepover?"

"Sure" She threw on black skinny jeans with a white tank top and a black beanie, she looked at me while putting her hair into a messy bun.

"So you ready?" I asked


"Alright lets go."

She walked right next me and trying to keep up with my fast pace, I opened the passenger door for her and she got in, and shut the door then I went to my side and turned the car on and we drove off.

We walked inside my house and I went upstairs to get something real quick so we could watch a couple of movies, my room is in the basement so I left her by the front door, I grabbed a couple of horror movies and walked down the stairs and she was standing there being quiet and playing on her phone.

I walked her downstairs and she laid on my bed by the wall, I usually lay be the edge or the middle so that was good, I put in a movie and laid in bed next to her, every time something scary would come up she would jump and lean in closer to me, by the time the movie was over she was hiding her head in my chest and she was shaking, I pulled her onto my lap and looked into her eyes

"Were you scared?" I asked smirking

"N-no." She whispered/stuttered.

"Come on don't lie."

"Shut up." She whispered I laughed and looked at the time, it was only 12:45 am, it's not that late

"Your a little tard, and I kinda like that about you."

"I'm not a Tard, nor am I likeable," She turned on her side and moved away from me,

"Who said that?" I asked looking at her hair

"Noun of your-"

"Who said that?"

"Why do you want to-"

"Answer my question."

"A lot of people but instead they call me it harshly and some other things."

"I bet your parents don't." I whispered waiting for an answer but I never got one.

"Do they?" I asked once again.

"Go to sleep." Her voice cracked a little bit, I moved towards her and pulled her into my chest I looked down at her face, she was crying, Max's was crying. . . .

"Max's?" I whispered

"Please just go to sleep,"

"What's wrong?"

"Please just-"

"What's wrong?"

"Just stop please." Her voice cracked and something was up.

"What's going on?"

"A lot of things"

"What kind of things?"

"Things, things that you wouldn't believe. . ."

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