It was a cold, rainy day. Dan Howell ran through the pouring rain, coat pulled over his meticulously straightened hair, not wanting to get his hair wet, as it would curl, and then, he'd become a very tall hobbit. He got into the bus and paid, thanking the driver and taking a seat in the back. It was quieter in the back. Being that Dan wasn't a particularly sociable person, this suited him well.

Dan stared out the window, yawning slightly. Another horrid day of law school. Sure, it was his dream job, but the curriculum was anything but riveting. The teacher talked in monotone, and the endless laws were mind numbing.

The rain dripped from the rooftops, the clouds covering the sky and painting the world in grey. He was used to this grey, though, it was the normal color of London.

The water hit the bus, filling it with white noise. Dan yawned. When he got home he'd scroll through tumblr, look for anything interesting and then maybe watch a few YouTube videos. He'd do his hours of homework and reading, then he'd grab some food to eat. After that he'd retire to bed in his dorms, while some sort of party raged on in the room adjacent to his.

But the bus ride home was a long one, and taxis weren't exactly within his budget at the moment. So he had plenty of time to sleep.

A small sigh escaped his lips as his chocolate brown eyes fluttered shut. They snapped open a moment later, glancing around, something felt wrong about falling asleep. Still, they closed again.

A squeaking of the doors was heard as another young man got on the bus, going to the back and taking on of the few open seats, right beside Dan.

Dan offered a polite smile and turned his head away again, closing his eyes, he may not have if he'd known that they wouldn't open again for a while.

Phil Lester glanced over at the boy next to him, returning the nod then looking down at his lap awkwardly. There was an umbrella between his legs and a crease in his brow.

The weather had been especially bad lately, eyes flitted to the ads on the bus. He read over them then yawned slightly. He absently started to him, trying to keep himself entertained as his stop was in only ten minutes.

The dull noise of talking and rain pattering on the bus was calming, but he managed to keep his eyes open. The driver, however, couldn't.

Phil felt a sinking feeling in his stomach the moment before it happened.

It all seemed to happen in slow motion. The bus swerved slightly and kept rolling past the red light. Phil threw his body to shield as many people as possible from being thrown by the horrible impact. But he hit his head on something and was out cold.

Phil had always been the type to put everyone else first. People who knew him would compare him to sunshine. He was generally a very considerate sweet person, if not complete anime trash.

Dan was out when the bus hit, he didn't feel any pain, but he was asleep so that was a given.

Everyone in the crash died. Everyone but two boys.

The ambulance was there soon enough, to confirm what most had already predicted. But then they got to the back of the bus, feeling the boys pulses, they gasped.

They opened their eyes and shined lights in them. They tried several ways to wake them up, but after they received not response, they put them on stretchers and brought them to the hospital.

Nobody really knew why it had to be those two. Luck, some called it. Others just thought it was a shame that it hadn't been their loved ones. No one knew, but for whatever reason, these two boys lived.

Later, it would be said that the rain was too dense to see through, or that both drivers were drunk. But in this story it doesn't matter how it happened, or how, it just mattered that it did. Because this story isn't about the families dealing with loss. It isn't about that crash. It's about two boys. Two boys who somehow happened to fall in love, while they were sleeping.

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