7 | Dear Darling

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Darling, there will come a time when all you think of is him.

You'll smile at sunsets because it reminds you of his fiery hair; you'll grab the palest sand far, far from the ocean shore because it reminds you of his complexion when the light hits him quite right. And the mossy lake waters, the ones you strayed away from when you were barefoot and young, resemble his eyes and will soon become the forest you'd want to get lost in endlessly. His breath will mingle into the ink of your pens, every minty splotch rhyming with the word love.

But darling, do not forget of the days before your eyes only spotted him. Do not forget to keep your polychrome lens in the back pocket of your jeans just incase the vision of him blurs your view. Because there will come a day when his ink dries out, and for a while you'll be left will blank pages and empty promises. But then the sunsets turn into sunrises, the sand gets cooler, and unlike before, you run straight into the mossy waters with your head held high.

And darling, you might not have him, but you'll be just fine.

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