Chapter Seven

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I was engulfed in the murky water as I heard Malik laugh. I froze and just wanted to sink to the bottom of the lake. I felt arms pull me to the surface seeing Malik's bright white teeth shine.

"Are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost" Malik scrunches his face

"I'm fine. I j-just didn't know Harry would be here.." I play with my thumbs slightly seeing them through the dirty water

"I didn't think he would be here either in all honesty" He turns his head to look in Harry's direction. "Just ignore him and have a good time" I look to see a smirking Malik pulling me in for a hug. As I wrapped my arms around his torso I felt eyes glaring at me.


I sat at end of the lake waiting for the guys to show up as I see Hillary coming my way.


"Hey babe" I felt her arms drape around me as I scanned the area looking for the boys as my eyes found a familiar beautiful girl. I felt my stomach turn when I saw Malik holding her. After Kaleigh caught me staring, Malik and her hugged making me turn away to look at someone else.


We walked up to the sand as I saw Niall enter the gate making me fill with excitement. I ran and wrapped my legs around his waist and placing my arms around making a 'V' shape.

"Well someone's happy to see me" Niall smirks

"Of course I am" I smile as Hillary gets in our conversation

"Can you not jump on every guy you see?" Hillary rolls her eyes

"Can you stop being such a whore?" I fire back as I see her walk back to Harry

"So anyway...." Niall chuckles squeezing my back. Harry makes his way over leaving Hillary with her obnoxious friends. I remember that these are his best friends and I start to squirm to get out of Nialls release.

"I'm gonna go" I whisper into his ear receiving a confused look

"No your not" he whispered back making me blush

"Hey guys, who wants to go eat dinner?" Niall says gaining all the guys attentions.

"I do" Hillary interrupts making me roll my eyes harder then I physically can

"Your not invited" Louis annoying says

"Whys the slut invited and not me?" I see her point her nasty black fingernails towards me

"Call her a slut one more time and that finger won't exist" Liam snarls

"Well damn. You must be good in bed" She says slowly walking backwards

"That's enough" Harry says "If Kaleigh comes then Hillary comes" All the boys looked at him with wide eyes and annoyed looks

"Whatever" we all muttered

We all started to separate in cars as I got placed in Harry's car along with Niall and Hillary. I got in the back with Niall seeing as I'm not about to tear this gremlin limb from limb.

To Niall:

Hillary looks like a moldy elf

We both laugh out loud on accident gaining Harry's attention through the rear mirror

"What's so funny?" His voice showed no emotion

"Nothing" Niall and I say in unison as I notice Harry's hand get placed on top of Hillary's.

I roll my eyes focusing on the Irish blonde haired boy sitting next to me. The car finally stopped at our destination making my tilt my head. I was expecting some 3 star buffet or something but this was a five star steak house with white table clothes and glass cups.

I felt Niall snake his arm around my waist showing his protection. We walk inside being placed at a big circular table. I'm placed between Niall and Harry as Hillary is across from Harry and I'm across from Louis and Nialls across from Zayn and Liam's at the end.

"How many tickets will there be?" The waitress asks

"I believe 7" I smile at her

"No. There will be 6, I'm paying for yours" Nialls puts his hand on top of mine making me smile at his kind self

"Make that 5, I'll pay for you Hillary" Harry smirks winking at her

He thinks this is a contest.

I roll my eyes as everyone orders and the waitress picks up the menus.

"So when did you and Hillary stop being fbuddys and started being a couple?" Louis grins looking at Harry

"We're not a couple" Harry says as his eyes grow with anger

"Seems like you are" Louis takes a sip of his drink

"What about you and Niall? When did you guys start liking each other?"

"That's confidential" Niall winks making me chuckle

He loves making Harry mad.

I felt a warm thing on my thigh looking to see Harry's musclier hand. I push his hand off as it makes its way back making me

A hour had past before we got home seeing everyone slump around and go to there room. I made my way to my bedroom as I got pulled into a bedroom making me squeal. I look up to see Malik's body over shadow mine and his dark brown eyes looking at me.

"I can't sleep at night without cuddling something" I looked to see puppy dog eyes and a pouty lip

"How am I suppose to help with that?" I raise my eyebrows. He pulls me to the bed with him and wraps his arms around my waist. I shake my head a little and pull away from him just for him to pull me to his chest as I drifted off to sleep. I woke up seeing the sunshine peek through the curtains and turned my body to see Malik with light snores escaping his mouth. I smiled and stood up walking out of his room only to bump in to a tall figure.

"I'm sorry" I look up to see dark emerald eyes

"Is that Malik's room you came out of?" He looks at me as his teeth clinch together

"Yea, I feel asleep in his room"

"Surprised you didn't fall asleep in Niall's" He rolls his eyes

"Excuse me?" I grab his arm making him look at me

"You heard me" He scoffs

"Go fuck Hillary and leave me alone" I start to walk towards the kitchen

"Already did" I shiver in disgust thinking of the horrible creature

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