fifty three

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AS SOPHIE FOLLOWED Aubrey down the hallway, her stomach twisted with unease

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AS SOPHIE FOLLOWED Aubrey down the hallway, her stomach twisted with unease. It took a majority of her will-power not to turn around and run back to the dining hall. She wanted to hug Tabatha and tell her all about what had happened since she was taken for the Games. She wanted to hear Kitty complain about having to serve, and listen to the twins bicker about random things. But part of her was terrified too. Sophie remembered how inhumanly beautiful the members of the night class had first appeared to her. She could only imagine how strange she now looked to the human students.

Sophie clenched her jaw and shook her head. She pushed the thoughts of Tabatha and the others to the very back corners of her mind. She needed a distraction. "So what happened exactly?" she asked Aubrey. "The Headmaster said there was another attack?"

Aubrey nodded. She turned the corner and stopped in front of Sophie's door. "I don't know much about it. The humans were gossiping a lot about it –apparently it was one of the Day Class members. I don't remember the girl's name. Just that she was in the Games with you."

Sophie's eyes widened. Margret. While she wasn't particularly upset over the death of bitchy Margret, she did feel bad that the girl had been attacked and was now dead. No one deserved to die.

"I wonder why a human would be attacked," Sophie muttered and unlocked her door. The two slipped inside and the door clicked shut behind them.

Aubrey shrugged. "She was probably in the wrong place at the wrong time." She took a seat back at the desk, and turned to face Sophie. An inquisitive expression adorned her face. "Alright," she said. "So tell me about this escape route."

Sophie perched on the edge of the bed. She explained everything, from the amount of turns she had taken to the breeze of the outside world caressing her face. Aubrey listened intently and asked very few questions. The questioning expression that she wore seemed to intensify as the explanation progressed. At the end of Sophie's story, the duo sat in silence for a few moments.

"We need to try to find it again tonight," Aubrey announced. "I swear, I've been down that passage a million times and I have never heard anything outside the stone walls. Or tomorrow. "

"Or we can just go now," Sophie suggested.

Aubrey shook her head. "Didn't you pay attention to the Headmaster's speech? He plans to start a curfew tonight. The hallways will be guarded by teachers, and possibly hired guards. We could get into some serious trouble."

"It hasn't started yet. We can't get in trouble if the curfew hasn't started yet," Sophie objected. "And if we do, we can always weasel our way out of it. I'm supposed to be the Headmaster's second in command right? He said it himself, I've heard free reign of the castle. Come on,"

Aubrey muttered aimlessly under her breath. Both she and Sophie changed into darker clothing, to make it easier to roam the castle undetected. Sophie snatched her map from the desk and ushered her blond companion out into the hallway. It didn't take long to find the path she had taken earlier. Sticking close to the walls, the two worked their way down the hall, and quickly found the stone that Sophie had scratched at.

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