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Eva is now of age (17). she gets her Lead (half of a necklace that guides her to her "soal mate) witch starts her off on a great adventure, to find the one who will be her perfect match. on the way she fights bandits, steals a priceless artifact, gets caught in quicksand, meets a goofy boy named Nate, and questions the society's choice for her soulmate and what her choice is. will she make the right choice or will she crash and burn. read connected.

I hope to finish this story in the end. I will try to post every Tuesday and Thursday if im not occupied

I hope you will enjoy this story! comment, vote, share or whatever!!! love y'all!!!!

so enjoy Connected.

This chapter is dedicated to @simplyfictional because of her beautiful cover she made. thank you i will put it in the bottom just in case i change it at one point thank you.

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