Aiden ran in circles. The avalanche was so loud, he felt as if it was right next to him. Thundering down the mountain. Louder than thunder. It was so loud that he couldn't think straight. So, after he stopped running in circles, he just stood there. Bodies laying everywhere. The nearest one was about three inches away from his feet. Aiden had to get out of Rose Fall town.He looked around, he was the only survivor in the town. Population: 637. Now down to one. Now only miles away from the avalanche. But why was everyone dead when the avalanche hadn't even hit. It didn't make sense. How had he not noticed this before? Or maybe the townspeople were only unconscious from the shock of the avalanche. He checked the pulse of the nearest person near him. Nothing. This was crazy. The avalanche hadn't hit, and he was the only survivor. The avalanche destroying the town wasn't the point of this, Aiden. And you know it. He shivered, the voice really freaked him out. When he was five, he'd told the voice to go away but it had just laughed and screamed, You're not getting rid of me. Never, never, never.
He ran straight towards the avalanche. Panic and fear cruised right through him. But then turned away and headed towards the Rose Fall motel. He ran up the stairs, 1th floor, up, up, up. 5th floor. 6th floor. He ran onto the rooftop. Ran onto the edge of the rooftop. One mile away was the avalanche. Now less. Less, less, less. Right in front of him. Aiden jumped.
Fiy fought through the fire. She commanded the flames to obey her. Their followed. She was back into the Red Desert. Fiy looked forward. The flames weren't there. Only they were. The flames were dancing along her arms and legs, whispering things Fiy couldn't understand. She hadn't even noticed them, and they cause her no pain whatsoever towards her arms and legs. Unbelieveable, Fiy. You've progressed so much. Dispirit that the Red Desert was destroyed and without looking around the town, Fiy already know that her whole family was dead. Everyone was. Except her. She started to laughed and dance, the flames were truly beautiful. Tragically beautiful. Fiy saw something in the sky. It was slowly flowing down to the ground. Fiy saw it was a folded piece of paper. She unfolded it.
Yet never grows?¬
Weird. It looked like had just fallen from the sky. Maybe it had.
"No, no, no! Don't be stupid, Voice." Her temper rising up. Don't call me Voice. By the way, Fiy, you might want to look at your reflection. Fiy hissed at the Voice, she didn't care what she looked like.
No, you really should. Fiy stormed up to a shattered piece of glass. And screamed. Her hair was literally made of fire. This will happen when you get angry. Did you feel your temper rise? Damn right she felt her temper rise. And now she felt it rising even higher. With the orange-reddish flames on her head, rising even higher, nearly three feet tall, hinted with midnight black, her natural hair colour. She was tragically beautiful, with fire at her command.
Tysawn nearly shitted his pants when he saw the cyclone. It was huge! Seriously. Since, when did cyclones ever get that big? Now he wasn't a wimp or anything because he was scared of it. He'd seen plenty of cyclones in his life, thank you very much. Also four per year. But they were never, ever, ever that big.
This is nothing, Tysawn.
He nearly tripped over the house cat his family had since he was four because he hadn't heard that the Voice in a few months.
Actually, the last time he'd heard that voice was on his seventeenth birthday.
Will you be prepared? It had whispered when he woke up.
Like what sort of trick question was that? Will you be prepared? Prepared? Prepared for what?
He ran outside his family's mini townhouse. All the towns people were already ran in the opposite direction. But where were they headed? Because it was obvious they didn't know either.
One, two, three. Three houses were ripped up. People screamed. His being included. Damn this freaked him out. Four more houses. One of the ripped up houses landed on the Mystic Wood High School. More screams. The chaos started then. In a matter of seconds he'd lost his father, mother and two little sisters. Great going, Tysawn. Lost your whole family in a matter of seconds. He punched the ground, so hard, his knuckles stung so badly that he nearly screamed. Ok, now he was angry. He wanted to slam that damn voice into the ground.
I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.
He raised his hands in frustration. And starting running. He'd had anger issues as a kid, and even now he still had them. Whenever he got really annoyed or angry, he'd run. Run until he wasn't angry anymore. But right now he so frustrated that he didn't realize that he was heading towards the cyclone. Only it'd grown triple it's size now. Imagine the largest cyclone you'd last seen on the news or heard about, now times now buy ten.
Yeah it was huge.
Aleci could see everything. All the destruction the tsunami had caused. All the destroyed buildings. All the broken cars. He thought he would have been more afraid because he was scared of hights. But he felt completely safe. Aleci was a few hundred miles up in the air. Sitting on the water. He had summoned all the water together, then made the water flow above Sydney. All at his command. And it felt incredible. But maybe he could only do it to sea water, not all water. Aleci hoped not. He felt as if he was water, made of water. The waves could understand him. Like he belonged to the ocean. But Aleci knew that he shouldn't stay here forever. But somehow Aleci knew that the rest of the world was in ruins. Every last bit. Also he was exhausted and starving. So, he commanded the waves to let him down, in Sydney. And since all of the water was gone, he could walk freely through the streets. He spotted an IGA a block away, craving for some Ben & Jerry's. Aleci ran down the street, careful to dodge broken bits of glass and smashed in cars. He entered. All the water was flowing in one tight, solid ball, while he made his way down the iclies.
Aiden collided with the snow. He had sensed that the snow and he had some kind of connection. Now he was second guessing himself. Gods, this was stupid. It's wasn't like the avalanche actually would follow him or obey him if he had said, "Up." Or whatever sort of crap they did in movies. But never-the-less he still jumped. And now he was aware of two things:
first was that, he could only see white. Couldn't even see his hands or feet. Second, was that he was frozen. Right down to his core. Stupid, stupid, stupid idea. His was so, so, so cold. Piercing, numb pain shot through him. So, so cold. But he managed to said, "stop." With his teeth chattering away, Aiden couldn't even heard himself¬
The avalanche had stopped. Incredible. Aiden began be able to think clearly. He wasn't cold anymore. Not one bit of him was cold. He commanded the avalanche to will himself up and out of the snow, so he was now standing on top of the snow. Then willed it to hover above the ground. Just an inch off. He laughed, Amazing. He felt totally invincible. Then he lifted the snow a few feet of the ground. He was made for this snow. For the first time in Aiden's life, he felt completely at home.
Kyra was truly exhausted. She'd worked all day on the valley, now it was nightfall. She spotted a bare patch of glass and willed the flowers on made a perfect sized bed for her. A bed purely made for of flowers.And fell asleep the second her head hit the flowers. Good night, Kyra.