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Re-rewind Friday night, never forget it
How you let me go~

"No. Please Park Jimin, it's all over! I don't want to see you anymore!! Jebal...Get out of my life. I can't do this anymore. We're over."

"I'm begging you Jihyun please don't do this to me. I can't live without you" Jimin got down on his knees begging. "Did I do something wrong? Please tell me!"

"It's not your fault. It's me. I just don't know anymore. I think I fell for somebody else..." She whispered.

Jimin was on his knees shocked by what he just heard from her girlfriend for eight months. "Wha-? I told you already that I'm afraid of losing you! I was afraid that You'll be taken away from me by some other guy. Yet you had the guts to do it to me...I don't know anymore too Seo Jihyun"

No more lies I'll be fine, I know where I'm headed, Probably should've known~

"Maybe I should've seen it coming...I should've prevented myself from falling for you..." Tears were dropping as Jimin said that. He then walked out of her house, banging the door close.

Jihyun rather than feeling really good. She broke down. She chose between the two them, sure Jimin was a nice guy and all. But the other one...he's the one that her heart scream for.

Walking along the sidewalk, Jimin's mind was floating. I should've fucking known, she'd leave me. The guys warned me but did I listen? Absolutely not. Why does this happen to me every damn time? Fuck it.

Days passed...Weeks passed...And then one day...

And now you're gonna say, "Pretty, please forgive me."~

Jimin's phone rang. But he didn't answered it. That day he just danced and danced trying to forget her. His band of brothers were worried, all he did was dance and tire his self.

Deciding he was over her, he started to delete their pictures, but he saw that Jihyun was the one who called earlier...Jihyun left a voice message.

"Jimin-ah." Jimin heard her sniffing and sobbing. "He left me...Jimin he left me!! I don't know what to do! Please forgive me for choosing him over you. Please forgive me...I want you back in my life. I still love you. I'm sorry. I'm really sorr-" The message ended.

Fool me once, told you twice you're gonna regret it~

I'm sorry too Jihyun. But just like what you said we're over. Nothing's going on between us now. I can't say that I still love you because I don't anymore. And remember I already told you...I was afraid that I would lose you to some other guy. You still did it to me. Goodbye Jihyun. Please delete my number now. Jimin sent the message to Jihyun.

Jimin slept the rest of the day away. That night he and the boys went somewhere. Saying that Jihyun called them just to ask them a favor to tell Jimin to call her back. And saying that she regrets everything horrible that she did to him.

Now you're all alone, yeah~

"Let her be. She's the one who did this. She's the one who ended things. Now she's regretting it because the guy she chose over me left her." Jimin said coldly.

"Dude, the girl is devastated. Comfort her, Stay friends with her. I mean you don't have to get back together with her. Just end your relationship on a good term." Jin said to Jimin.

"Oh how I wish this is all easy as said hyung. I can't do that, I'll probably fall for her again and she'll probably leave me again."

"Just...ok do whatever you want."

Turns out that no one can replace me
I'm permanent, you can't erase me~

"Jimin...can we please see each other one last time? I'll have to say something to you." Jihyun asked as she called Jimin.

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