Chapter Eleven

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⠀⠀ Later that night, Edward informed me that we would be going home, as it was safer to be back in Forks with people instead of on a private island that nobody really knew about. "Our flight leaves at two in the morning, which leaves us three hours to pack and get our suitcases together," explained my husband.
⠀⠀ With a nod of my head, my feet brought me to our suitcases that were at the foot of our queen sized bed. Edward immediately came into view by my side and gently picked me up bridal style. "Not so fast. Let me take care of that, you just sit here and relax!" My summer featured hero then placed me back on the bed. Before I could reply to his message, the sparkly eyed man I fell in love with in my senior year had visited the kitchen and retreated with a tall glass of blood.
⠀⠀ "Drink this, when you blacked out, you were gone for three hours so you never had an intake." Gratefully, I clutched my hand round the tall transparent glass containing garnet tinted substance. "Thank you, hun. I really appreciate that." All in a flurry of inhuman speed and whirlwinds of clothes, my husband sped around, in and out of rooms, packing our suitcases.
⠀⠀ The hours passed by effortlessly, time was nothing to me. At one A.M, Carlisle entered the living room, where Esme, Jasper, Alice and I had been playing cards. "Time to go, my loves," he grinned, his flawless white teeth showing. All of us packed up the cards as we stood up, Esme helping me due to Edward's absence.
⠀⠀ Our journey, consisting of a boat ride, a car ride, then a plane ride, was very peaceful. Most of us preferred to simply create small talk with our spouse. Our plane was in the air, soaring high above the clouds, when the handsome immortal seated beside me began getting playful. He considerately trained my brunette hair back behind my ear, softly leaving a trail of passionate kisses along my jaw line. We were in first class with privacy, we could do whatever we wanted.
⠀⠀ Slowly, Edward's lips replaced themselves down to my lower neck, turning me on completely. "You know, Bella," he murmured. "You really are the most amazing woman I have ever met." The pattern of affectionate kisses was always the same, two right on my jawline and then four going downwards to my collarbone.
⠀⠀ "Edward..." I mumbled, though was unable to finish my sentence, as he began to move up to my lips and caressed them with his own. A light brush of the lips was all that was necessary for me to return the very pleasant gesture. It began as slow, easy pecks, but soon transformed into powerful and lustful lip-locks. Between kisses, I dared to utter the words, "You're the most amazing man I've ever met, and I could never imagine myself being with anyone else."
⠀⠀ Not too much later, all of us had landed in Seattle. An hour and ten minute drive after that, the family had arrived back to the modern home of the Cullen's. Carlisle immediately took Rosalie, Alice and I into the room with all his medical equipment for some tests.
⠀⠀ He asked us some simple questions such as if we were in any pain, if we felt weak or if we had experienced any nausea. Alice answered 'yes' to all of the questions while Rosalie admitted to only feeling weak and nauseous. My answers were a 'yes' for everything, except for feeling weak. Then, Carlisle ran some more tests, such as a CVS on each of us to find out how the babies looked in size.
⠀⠀ "Bella, you're up first!" He stated. Edward, who was also in the room, gave me a slight nod. I sighed and lay down on the bed. A cold gel was smeared over my lower abdomen, causing me to squirm in place. The test was soon completed, and I couldn't have been more relieved. "Bella, Edward, I've got some bad news. Are you ready for it?" Pondered Carlisle. My partner appeared by my side and interlocked his hands into mine. "Bella, are you ready?" An angelic tone coated his masculine voice and nervously, I nodded. An undeniable love had developed for my unborn child, and it upset me remembering I mightn't live to see them.

{Author's note: Hey, guys! I wonder what Carlisle is going to tell Bella and Edward! Please check out the message I posted about how I'm travelling today! Hope you all liked this chapter! Have a nice day! Goodbye!}

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