Chapter 43

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Tug's gravelly voice is an anchor, holding my mind, preventing the waves of panic from sweeping it away.

"The Duke has not left his spouse and children," he says, "or his people and his fort unprotected. And Lord Strik has not prepared this attack. He may take advantage of the Duke's absence, but it is unlikely he has many men up north, if an army five thousand strong gathers on the outskirts of the city."

His words are designed to rally me. They are no more a guarantee of Kel's safety than the paper lanterns released during the Carucan ceremony of departing will guarantee the King's safe passage among the stars to the Carucan gods. But his logic grounds me, sets my thoughts in motion. How many men could Strik have up north if the original plan was to bring them here? Pockets of hired mercenaries could hardly raise a successful assault against Lyndonia. And how long will it take the troops to muster?

"Lyndonia is one of Caruca's most impenetrable forts," Tug continues. "Difficult to access, difficult to scale. It could hold off an attack for weeks. We will send a carrier pigeon warning Elise, so that the Duke's army is prepared. You have kept your end of the bargain and she will keep hers. Kel will not be harmed."

I take a deep breath and nod. I have to hope his faith in the Duchess is warranted.

A flutter of light deep in the tunnel catches my attention. Tug falls silent. A flame casts shadows through the darkness. A reedy figure approaches carrying a lantern. In the mind-world I see the passage opening into a dilapidated ballroom. Sixe has been checking our way out.

"It is Sixe," I say. "The passage to the ballroom is clear. Let's go." Raising my skirt, I hurry through the damp tunnel towards Sixe. Tug jogs behind, followed by the light step of the Prince.

We advance in silence. At the end of the passage, Sixe hides the lantern from wherever he has found it, and leads us through the labyrinth of corridors, stairways and bridges to my chambers.

At one point we pass an enormous arched window. I glance out and see white flags waving from balconies and windows, tearing at their poles as though they sense the danger rumbling through the palace.

Raised voices rebound and echo through the internal corridors. A soldier stops us on a narrow stairway, but when he recognizes the Prince, he steps aside, bowing.

I knock on my chamber door so as not to alarm Calmi. She opens with a collected, calm expression. But when she sees the Prince is with us, there is a shift in her cool blue eyes.

"Mirra," Jakut says, "please allow me to speak with you alone."

I nod. Tug and Sixe enter my chambers. I close the door so we cannot be overheard.

"Lady Calmi," I begin, "does not know about your condition. She was raised by Lord Strik, but you trusted her and now we must hope that you have chosen your confidante well."

"Who is Kel?" His voice cuts the air like shattering glass. I inhale, glance at the tawny gold ruffles of the dress I hurriedly put on before Tug and I left my chambers to find Jakut.

The time has come for the truth. "Kel is my brother. I was not alone when Tug and Brin took me hostage in Blackfoot Forest." I raise my eyes to meet the Prince. Has he known about Kel ever since that day in the Pit? Is this why he carries a sketch of him?

His eyes narrow slightly, then his brow lifts a little. As though something has finally fallen into place.

"I have discovered the truth about the attack on your escort and the betrayal of the Carucan army," I continue. "Now I must get my brother home." He stares at me until I look away. "I was never supposed to be part of your plan."

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