Chapter 11

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I dropped Emma off and took Sara to her house. I'm thankful that she doesn't live too far from me, I help her get upstairs and take a make up wipe to try to get the stuff off my face before I walk home.

Once I get as much as I can off I sigh and grab my purse. The walk to my house feels short and I grow more and more worried with every step.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I jump at the virbrating feeling on my leg. I pull it out, epecting to see some message from my mom.

Strangely enough, and creepier, it wasn't my mom but Louis.

'Enjoyed seeing you again tonight! Hope we can all meet up again soon.'

I don't even want to begin to think of the ways he got my number.

Is this really who I am now? Just two weeks ago I would have winced at the thought of going out in public dressed like this. I would never had sat with guys at a bar, I wouldn't even be at a bar.

I would be at home, studying, or maybe seeing a movie with my friends. This was completely out of the question.

And now I'm not even second thinking the fact that some older guy who I've only met twice has my number and wants to 'meet up again?'

Maybe I'm overthinking it but I can't help it. It's what I do.

When my house comes ino view I sigh, I'm sure my mom is up, waiting on me to walk through the door and chew me out.

Maybe Rosie is still up and convinced her to go to bed. I'm thankful to have Rosie in my life to look after me.

I make my way to the porch and rest my head against the door, breathing in and out. I'm taking my time, that's for sure.

My mind keeps racing through the events of tonight, I actually did that?

I'm so disappointed in myself.

I let go of my breath before opening the door and stepping into the dark house.

It's silent. Mom must be in bed.

I quietly tip toe upstairs, careful not to make any noise.

I mentally scream every time a step creaks.

By the time I reach my room my heart is racing. This must be what it feels like to defy your parents and sneak into your house at- what, one in the morning?

I slip out of my dress and crawl into bed, covering my body in the big duvet.

As I stare at my fingers under the blanket I can't help but think of the comments I received on my appearance.

Did I really look good like that?

All covered in make up and dressed in a skin tight outfit?

And what about the attention we received? That's never happened.

But what about Harry? He said he doesn't drink yet I can always find him at that stupid bar.

My eyes begin to feel heavy and my mind jumbles my thoughts together. I can't think straight as I close my eyes and fall asleep, dreaming of absolutely nothing.


It's Friday and all I can think about through out the day is the stupid party. 

I should feel disappointed, I am dissapointed in myself. I shouldn't have gotten myself into this because of a stupid bully like Ally. But I can't ignore the small pang of excitement I get when I think about going.

Is that wrong? I'm sure my mom would agree that it is.

My mind is so preoccupied with crazy thoughts, most of them completely unreasonable, that I barely notice when Harry comess into biology late and sits by me.

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