Chapter 17

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Fierro Villa

"Figlio di puttana!"

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"Figlio di puttana!"

"Merda." Alexia muttered in a terrified tone.

Standing in front of them was none other than Clark himself looking at the two who were still in each other's arms.

While Alexia was looking at him in complete horror, Enrique was surprisingly clam, but still had a guilty look in his eyes.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Clark said enraged as he stormed towards them.

"Clark," Alexia started pulling away from Enrique and taking a step forward. "U-uhm...we can explain."

"Explain my ass!" He said in a rush before landing a punch on Enrique's jaw making Alexia scream in surprise.

"Okay. I deserve that." Enrique said as he rubbed his jaw. In reality he could've avoided the punch easily, but he knew that he deserved it, and that if he did avoid it it will only anger Clark more.

"Like hell you do!" He said shooting daggers at Enrique as he stood back up.

"Clark!" Alexia scolded. "Stop!"

"Just let us explain, bro." Enrique said.

"Don't you bro me—" he said advancing towards Enrique, but was stopped when Alexia stepped forward, placing her hands on his chest.

"Clark, please just calm down." She pleaded.

"How the hell do you expect me to calm down when I see my little sister and my best friend kissing?" He said exclaimed looking from Alexia to Enrique. "When the fuck did this happen?!"

Alexia sighed, dropping her head before looking back up at Clark guiltily. "Yesterday."

He narrowed his eyes into slits looking at them back and forth before landing back to his sister. "How the hell did this start?" He said through gritted teeth.

Enrique and Alexia exchanged looks quickly. He opened his mouth to say something, but she beat him to it.

"We kissed. In the pool."

Clark clenched his jaw as he released his breath slowly.

"Then we confessed." Enrique finished cautiously.

He honestly wasn't afraid of Clark, he was afraid of what it might do to their brotherhood, or what he might do to his and Alexia's relationship.

Cerulean (ON HOLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora