Chapter One

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Xavior stepped out of the back of the RED truck and into the blazing sunlight of the New Mexico Desert. He was grateful for the large brim on his hat, so as he didn't end up instantly going blind. He straightened himself out, drawing a line in the dirt with his foot. He suffered a bit being tossed around in the back of that truck, which was naturally a rougher ride, and wondered why he couldn't have gotten a cab to this location, the dirt roads weren't that bad.

The truck driver called out to him before departing. "They're usually outside to meet new recruits but seein' how you're a spy, I heard The RED Spy isn't the best of people to get along with." He pointed towards the rickety old wooden base. "Might have to go lookin' for 'im yourself, base is just up ahead there."

Xavior sighed, thanking the man as he watched the truck drive off, leaving him alone. This was just great, first day showing up as a recruit for a new job, and the one who's suppose to train you didn't care enough to show up. He complained to himself as he made his way down the path and into the RED's base.

Heading down a hall and turning a corner, he found himself stopped in a small courtyard as two men quickly cut him off as they darted past, one carrying a rifle and one with a large, strange looking gun of some sort. Following much slower behind them but trying to keep speed was a taller, slightly older man holding onto his  bush cap as he called out after the duo.
"Oi, You damn scouts! Get back 'ere with my gun!" He Didn't stop to give Xavior the time of day as he too was now down the hall and out of sight.
"Augh, When I get my hands on you Scout I will gut you from the inside out!" The other man following behind, gave up the chase calling out to the scouts and shaking his fist with a thick german accent.
He suddenly noticed the taller man standing on the sidelines, looking a bit more then surprised. "Oh, well hello, you're a new face." He smiled at Xavior, now a completely different person then the man who was angry with the Scouts.
"Hello," Xavior replied, "Mind telling me what all the commotion is about?" He asked curiously.
The man frowned. "Ah, Scout and his good for nothing troublemaking  recruit decided to run off with my Medi-Gun and herr Sniper's rifle as a joke." He scowled, "I'm not worried that he'll break them or anything, just that, a Medic kinda needs his supplies always available."
"Oh of course, should something go wrong I suppose that would be on the Scouts hands." Xavior agreed, now identifying the man as a medic.
"Yes, it will." The man looked at Xavior. "Oh, speaking of recruits, as I said, you're a new face!"
Xavior nodded, "Yes, that I am. I just arrived 5 minutes ago."
"Spy was not there to greet you?" The Medic asked tilting his head at Xavior, of whom was surprised that the Medic was able to tell what job he was here for. "The man's really not the friendliest of folks but you'd think he'd have some decency to do what's in the job description..." He folded his arms in annoyance, "Sadly, him being a spy, he's one of the only people here I can't keep tabs on."
"Do you have an approximation of where he can be found?" Xavior asked.
The Medic put a hand to his face in thought. "Well, you could check the basement, he might be hanging around the intel room, probably pestering our engineer." He pointed Xavior to a doorway behind him, accessible by going up a small flight of stairs.
"Right, I'll have a look." Xavior thanked The Medic and headed up the stairs.
The Medic Responded. "Not a problem, mien friend." He too headed back up a flight of stairs opposite of the one Xavior was on. "If you do not locate him, I will be in the infirmary should you need any assistance." He disappeared hanging a left in the doorway opposite to the other.

Well that was sort of a warm welcome. Xavior shrugged. He got to the area The Medic pointed out to him and stared down the opening. It was another flight of stairs leading down into the basement of the base. Heading down them, much to Xavior's surprise, the base was a lot more up-to-date underground than the farm house look of the base upstairs.

As he walked past an odd room to his right with a sign labeled "respawn" over it, he stopped to examine the odd computers and machines that lined some of the walls, He had no idea what they were for. He overheard a conversation from further down the hall.
"Shouldn't you be up front waiting for the trucks instead of buggin' me?" It was the sound of a man with a light texan accent.
"Ah, it has been quite awhile since one of mine have shown up, what makes you so sure I'll get one this time around?" Another man, of french decent.
"Well who's to say you won't get one today?" The first man questioned with a valid point.
There was the sound of metal scraping and a small exploding sound, along with the spark of electrical wires being fried, followed by an obnoxious laugh. "Goddamit Spy, get out of here!" The Texan was stern and there was a sound of footsteps then approaching in Xavior's direction.
"Very well, I will take my leave, you bore me anyway." The french man took on a more annoyed (or was it disappointed?) sounding tone, as his voice got louder to Xavior's earshot.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2016 ⏰

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