The Mirror

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"Mirror Mirror on the Wall,

Am I the fairest of them all?"

As I child, I was so into the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Now it is just a fairy tale, I don't believe in them because reality and life has just smacked me in my face. I wish there was such things as princes and fairies that would appear and take away my worries but it would never happen or could it?

"You have dreams and stand tall, but you aren't the fairest of them all."

I stood in front of my great grandmother's mirror and recited these words and never had expected a reply back. My reflection was talking back to me but had a man's voice. I rub my eyes and look at the mirror again and said:

"What do I do
If I want to be the fairest too?"

"You aren't the fairest but you are unique,
be yourself but watch out, for you'll fall on your knees."

"If I fall on my knees,
then what lies before me?"

" I do not know
but I must go."

The mirror hadn't replied when I asked anymore so I left that mirror alone. I feared that if I talked to it anymore I would fear my future even more. So I left it alone, alone in that closet to not bother me. I felt themagic and had mixed feelings about it so with another thought I went back and asked it to come back.

"Mirror Mirror on the wall,
come back and heed my call."

"My lady what is it that you need
and that you want from me?"

"I want to know if you are real,
if so my lips are sealed."

" My dear I am alive still,
but I am bound by my own will.
I have not rest for many days
but I still have my own ways."

"What have you been bound by,
and please tell me why."

" Young one you are curious indeed
but never think or take from greed."

With these words I pondered about why the mirror had been bound.

"What do you need,
in order to be freed?

" I can not be freed
but hear my plea. Love is what you seek
so look out and go to sleep."

I didn't know that the sun had set already and wondered if this mirror knew Snow White.

"I see the night but do you know Snow White?"

"Indeed I do,
but what does she have to do with you?"

"I wonder if she is here now
if she is then how?"

"She is dead for all I know,
With her prince charming at woe."

Astounded at what I heard, I was shocked that this was the mirror that the queen had used to know who was the fairest of them all. Then I remember what my grandmother said, "If you believe in magic then the power will be shown before you in any form. Whether it would be a glass shoe, a mirror, a rose, a spindle, or even a frog the magic is stored in everything around you if you believe in it." It then occurred to me that my grandmother told me a rhyme before letting something go or be free. So I decided to say it and see if it would come true.

"Mirror mirror listen to me,
I wish you to be set free.
Free from sorrow,
Strive for tomorrow.
Use your eyes to see,
To become what you wish to be.
For now on I bestow to thee,
That you shall be set free."

"What is happening to me,
Am I being set free?"

With a blinding light from the mirror I cover my eyes and try to see what is going on. Once the light had died, I saw a man in regular modern day clothes looking around as if everything was new to him. I was shocked and fell on my knees on the floor and sat before this man.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the mirror that was speaking to you
but how can this be true?"

"You are the mirror from before?"

"Yes I am and I'm unbound,
It is you my muse I have finally found."

The man approached me and embraced me in his arms while I was confused at what was going on. He sounded like the mirror and was still saying rhymes in his conversation. I couldn't believe that the rhyme had worked and that this was the beginning to all of my worries other than reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2017 ⏰

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