Chapter One

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I walked out the back door, having learned to stay hidden from everyone, including the neighbors. Nobody knows that I am still a part of my family. My dad likes keeping it that way so that people can't blame me when bad things happen. My dad figured out that I was bad luck when the family that was going to adopt me was murdered the night before I was born. And then my mom died shortly after giving birth to me. But after my dad figured out that it was me making bad things happen, he didn't even try to find me a new home, or maybe he did, but he never let me know what he was doing.

The neighbors did not know that my new family was murdered, and my dad kept it that way. They thought that I was adopted 15 years ago by a happy family and that my dad would never see me again. My dad and I both thought that it was best to keep it that way. When I do get to go out, and even when I don't, I usually wear black. It is my favorite color, and I think that it looks really good with my bright green eyes.

Ever since I was a baby, bad things happened, and it was always to me or to anyone around me, especially around my birthday. Dad hasn't noticed that the worst things happen right around my birthday, and I just haven't told him. He always takes me out to do something for my birthday. 

Right before my first birthday, my dad took me to Hawaii to celebrate with the rest of the family. We left on a plane to go about two weeks before my birthday, and we actually got there safely. I can still remember my dad's face when we landed, with no problems throughout the entire ride. It is always like that with him, excited about getting to do anything with him without bad luck, no matter how small the accomplishment. I don't think that I can blame him though. I am constantly scared of myself now too.

We were staying in a cabin close to the beach. Most of the time we were sightseeing, but there were also times when he would leave me in childcare. There were also times when his instincts told him not to let us leave the house that day. He usually followed them, and most of the time, they were right. We visited family that was living in Hawaii, but they seemed sad when they saw me and my dad, remembering about my mom's death. My birthday is always the anniversary of her death, so it gets very difficult on everyone. Sometimes I think that mom's ghost is mad at both of us for her death. I never tell dad, though. He would freak out if I thought that she was the reason for my bad luck every year.

Even though her being a ghost is a guess, every now and then, I still think that I see her. If my dad thought that I saw ghosts, he would send me to an insane asylum or something like that.

Anyway, back to my birthday vacation. This shouldn't have been a surprise to me or my dad, but what happened was way beyond what either one of us thought that I could do. There was a flood on my birthday, which none of us could have expected, and it has not happened to me again, but I would say that that is a good thing. which devastated our family with the deaths of most of my relatives and a few family friends. The flood put my dad in the hospital for a week, while I was left unharmed. The doctors still wanted me to come in so that they could make sure that I was okay, and to my surprise, I was perfectly fine. The flood left multiple trees in the streets and there was debris left everywhere.

My dad was downstairs and when the flood started, and debris got under the bathroom door while he was in the bathroom, and he couldn't get out. He got hit in the head with some debris that was in the water. When he was knocked out, he must have accidently drank some of the water, and he got seriously sick.

After the flood, there were ambulances and firetrucks everywhere trying to help people that were injured or trapped. All of the sirens got loud as they came closer to our neighborhood. Nobody was able to evacuate because there was not enough time once the warning had been given.

While my dad was in the hospital, my aunt and uncle took care of me. They did notice that bad things were still happening, but it wasn't anything serious, so they didn't take much interest in it. I was with them for a few days, and we visited my dad when we could. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2016 ⏰

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