There was only one thing that stuck out to me as being wrong about my new apartment room. There were a few bad tiles at the end of the hall which rustled and squeaked every time I stepped on them. Being that I was the new superintendent I figured I'd just repair them myself instead of getting an outside contractor to do it.
I examined the tiles first just to see what I was getting into and I found out they were completely unsecured from the floor. As soon as I removed the very first tile I noticed a little door of some kind underneath. I continued to remove the rest of the tiles with little trouble and that's when I noticed the indented latch on the door. A layer of caked on dust was stuck on it and I was dumbstruck by the whole finding.
I decided to open it and take a look inside. It was too dark to see most of it but I could make out most of the details. The room was completely empty except for another door on the side and the ladder that went straight down into the room.
You might think I was so curious that I went down the ladder to take a look, but there was no way in hell I was going down there unless I had a very good reason to. At that moment I only wanted to get the floor secured and the door completely covered up.
After I found it that day I called the apartment owner and asked him if he knew about the underground room. He sounded as surprised as I was and he claimed he had no idea it even existed.
The rest of the day was rather uneventful until that night. That night marked the first time I started having those weird dreams of my neighboring tenants. Every single one of these dreams consisted of my tenants in the apartment building, going about their daily lives. There was absolutely nothing else in my dreams besides that and I could recall even the most mundane details of each one. Some of those dreams were particularly disturbing in that they revealed more than I should've known or wanted to see. In one dream I saw the couple in room 102 arguing in their bedroom about whether they should "keep the baby" and in another I saw the man in 107, leaning towards the knife drawer as he cried his heart out. Half of his arms were covered in cuts and some of those were bleeding pretty badly.
The next few nights became the same routine and I was having trouble stomaching it. Yet I didn't want to think too much of it. I figured it was probably just a weird coincidence or some bad brain chemistry.
Then I had another dream of a tenant which involved me. In the dream, I was sitting at the kitchen table and I heard somebody knocking on my door. I got up to see who it was through my peephole and I noticed a man in a catholic uniform. He was standing still, staring at the peephole and he continued knocking.
I didn't recognize him as any of my tenants so I was hesitant about answering the door. So I just stood there for a few moments and stared through the peephole. Then I thought about what I was doing, or rather what I wasn't doing and I realized how stupid it would be for me to not answer the door. I unlocked the door and swung it open but I woke up right before I saw the man.
I thought about that dream throughout the day and I couldn't help but wonder about the past events. I had not even the slightest idea as to the purpose of the underground rooms underneath my own nor the cause of the recent dreams I had been having.
Later that night I was sitting in the kitchen eating dinner when I heard somebody knocking on my front door. I got up to see who it was and it felt like a ton of bricks fell over me. I could hardly stand and the blood rushed through me.
The man standing at my door, whom I could see through the peephole, was the same man as I had seen in my prior dream. It was the man in the catholic clothing and I felt just like I did before but ten times worse. Yet again I stood there staring out the peephole and I mentally refused to open the door for a few moments. Then there was no waiting any longer, as I knew I was the superintendent and if anybody had an inquiry I needed to heed their call. So I opened the door and asked the man what he needed.
Abnormal Beyond
HorrorHere is a place of both psychological and supernatural Horrors. It's a place of uncanny resemblance to our own world, but the small gaps inside defy reality. In this short story collection, you'll get to take a deep, dark glimpse in those horrifying...