The job offer

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Sorry i haven't been on in a while i have just been dealing with some stuff. But here is another chapter so enjoy. I will try and update more regularly.

The Knights of Chaos had built a cabin. Cabin might not be the right word for it actually seeing as it was 5 stories high and had a massive crossbow on the roof. The cabin was the colour of space it was the deepest black, but also the white flecks of the stars. Guardian sat in a tree and looked at the front door of the cabin. The most remarkably thing about the cabin was not its size, or its weapons arsenal but the fact that it had been built in under 24 hours. Anybody who saw the cabin built would never forget it. One of the Knights used some interesting form of magic because he drew on the ground with chalk a circle and symbols then he chanted "surgo ā Chaos villa". The great cabin building then rose and stood before them all. The Knights of Chaos then walked into the cabin and stayed in there for about an hour.

In that hour guardian walked over to the med bay to see if any of the hunters had been severely injured. He had a couple of stab wounds from his fights, he looked into the pouch on his belt and saw that he was all out of ambrosia. He did have however a small vial of nectar, which he downed in one gulp and instantly started to feel better. When he arrived at the med bay he saw some gruesome sights. Some people had burn marks that looked like third degree, some had cuts so deep guardian thought he could see bone and one boy was missing an eye. A normal person would have puked seeing these injuries but guardian had seen worse and while it did bother him he didn't let it get to him. He walked over too a hunter who was unconscious and after deciding that there was nothing massively wrong with her he moved on. He visited three more unconscious hunters who apart from mild concussions had nothing wrong with them the fifth however had a massive gash in her arm. She looked like she was in pain and kept flinching. There was some ointment and a large red cloth protecting the wound from infection. Guardian became sickened as he realised it wasn't a red cloth but a white cloth that had been stained red with blood. There was bunch of flowers in a vase on her bedside table. Guardian looked over to the girl. He grabbed the vase and held it in front of himself, he looked down at it and made up his mind. He grabbed the flowers and yanked them out of the vase, he dropped the flowers and put his hand into the vase. Guardian felt power surging through him. He put his free hand on the girls shoulder and passed the power onto her. Her wound started to close and the look of pain that had been etched onto her face faded. Guardian took his hand of her shoulder, picked up the flowers, put them back in her vase placed it on the table and walked out. The girls name was Jennifer and she watched guardian through sleepy eyes.

Guardian was sitting on a tree branch over the hunters camp and sharpening his arrows when he heard a lot of talking. He looked down from his perch in the leaves and saw Artemis talking with one of the knights. The two finished their conversation and then the knight walked of.

8 hours later and the camp was sitting around the camp fire. The hunters were sitting as a group next to the campers. Thalia and Annabeth were sitting next to each other and were talking in hushed voices while the rest of the camp roasted marshmallows and sung songs. Artemis detached herself from her hunters and walked over to the tree in which Guardian sat. When she looked up she couldn't see a thing because the night was dark and Guardian sat in the shadows. "Come down" she called into the darkness. She heard nothing but the gentle rustling of leaves that could be nothing more than the wind blowing through the trees. Then the Guardian was standing in front of her. He had his sword at his side, his hood was up as always and his black glove was on. "What's wrong?" he asked.
"The knights want to see you, I'm releasing you from your duties temporarily to meet them" Artemis replied. She would have said more but Guardian was already gone.

Guardian was outside the Chaos cabin. The building looked very ominous and the fact that it was windy and had started to rain didn't help. The ground beneath Guardian's feet was turning to mud and he did nit like to be kept waiting. He rapped the door with his knuckles and they struck. Two figures jumped from the roof and landed in the mud. They each had weapons and they swung them at him. He ducked and kicked the legs out from under one of them. He turned around to face them and was kicked into the door of the cabin. From his brief glance he distinguished the shapes of a woman and a man. The man that had kicked him went for Guardian's jaw. Guardian however, although he had been nocked back and was disorientated was a fighter. Guardian instinctively ducked and heard the splintering of wood as the mans fist collided with the door. The mans chest was exposed after his swing and Guardian punched him in the gut. It felt like punching metal. Guardian recoiled and was kicked into the mud by the woman who had gotten out of the dirt and was ready to give guardian some payback. Guardian slid in the mud for about two meters before coming to a stop. He looked up at the two figures and saw them advancing towards him. He scooped mud into his hands and flung it at their eyes. The woman shielded her eyes with her but the man wasn't as quick and got a face full of mud sending him stagerring back and slipping in the mud. The woman had her arm in front of her face stopping the mud from hitting her but it also prevented her from seeing Guardian. Guardian tackled her and they rolled in the mud as they tumbled guardian found her belt and ripped her dagger out of its containment. As they came to a stop Guardian yanked her to her feet. The male knight had now wiped the mud put of his eyes and was advancing upon Guardian but he stopped dead when he saw what guardian had in his hand. Guardian had the knife in his hand and it was up against the woman's neck. Guardian had no idea what was happening but he wasn't going to take any chances.

Guardian heard a slow clapping and saw that the door had been opened. A woman was standing in the open doorway and behind her were several other men and women. The knights of Chaos had been judging Guardian and he had passed the test.

The interior of the Chaos cabin was made mostly of marble. The walls ceiling and floor were all made of black marble. Doors and furniture were made of either wood or metal. The knights led Guardian into some sort of meeting room there was a round table int centre of the room with 15 seats around it. Each of the knights sat down at the table and left guardian standing in front of them.
"You may be wondering why we have asked for you and than started to attack you?" The woman that had been clapping said.
"I assume you were testing me" guardian stated.
"Very good, yes we were but before we get into the details we should introduce ourselves. I am the leader of the knights and I am called Alpha. This is Beta, my right hand man" she said as she pointed to man that had sat down next to her. She then went around the group introducing the knights one by one. "This is Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Theta, Kappa, Lambda, Mu, Omicron, Rho, Sigma, Psi and Omega." Omega was about the same build as Guardian. Omega held a knife in his hand and was turning it over in his fingers. "Theta has the ability to display scenes from the present, the past and the future and we saw this when we looked at the battle" Alpha said gesturing to a woman.

Theta stood up from her chair and spread her hands wide. An image appeared. It was a clear image of Guardian. Guardian watched himself fight the woman that had tried to kill the hunters. Guardian watched himself defeat the woman and move on. The moving image disappeared and all the knights turned towards him. "You defeated one of Orders Generals and you don't even have the power of the universe surging through your veins. This is incredible. We want to offer you a place on our team. During a campaign like this, the fifteen of us take out Orders camps where his soldiers are, we destroy his supplies trains and we fight him whenever we can. We could find out who you are but we respect your decision to wear a hood. We would however like you to show us who you are. There is a culture in England that has something called an unbreakable vow. Here in your greek camp you swear on the river styx. We promise on our honour, which is one of our most important beliefs. If we have no honour we are nothing." Alpha finished. Every knight had their eyes on Guardian. They were all leaning forward in their chairs, except for Omega he was leaning back in his chair and still playing with his knife.

The room was silent as Guardian thought about it and then slowly he reached up and took down his hood. His black raven hair fell down and his eyes stared out at the night. They were like a raging storm, cold and calculating any sense of warmth was gone. His mouth was neither set in a smile or a frown. Lambda drew back a bit but Omega stopped leaning and started to really study Percy. "You're Percy Jackson" Beta said in his deep voice.
"Yes" Percy replied.
"I thought you were dead" Epsilon said.
"I was" Percy replied.
"That woman that you made cry, she killed you right?"
"Yes she did" Guardian was starting to grind his teeth until he eventually would have snapped if Omega hadn't stepped in. "I'll show you around" he said as he stood up from his chair

Guardian and Omega were walking through the cabins many rooms. Omega had shown Guardian the training room, the kitchen, the dining room and surprisingly a living room. The idea that the knights ever just took it easy was a foreign concept in Percy's mind because he thought they just trained and fought. Percy and Omega were walking up a flight of stairs when Omega started to speak. "I want you to know that back when Alpha told you that the thing we value most is our honour. That is true for the others but not for me, I won't hesitate to do what is right even if I go to hell for it. I think you may be the same." Omega paused for a bit before speaking again. "I can see your aura. You have powers you don't even know about yet, but you will need to learn them if you want to reach your full potential." At the top of the flight of stairs was a plane and Percy marvelled at it and its sleek design. He would have gone in but Alpha walked up the flight of stairs. "Percy" she called. Percy turned his head to look at her. "I think you should be getting back to your hunters, we will call you when we need you." Alpha said as she walked over to Percy. Percy nodded and flipped his hood back over his face. Guardian walked back down the flight of stairs leaving Omega and Alpha to talk.

When Guardian ran back into the hunters camp the hunters were going to bed. Artemis was standing with Thalia at the fire that the hunters had set up. Guardian walked over to them. Thalia gave him a death glare and walked off. Artemis turned to him. "What did they want?" She asked.
"To offer me a job" Guardian answered. Artemis didn't know but under the hood Guardian was smiling.

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