Chapter One Chemistry

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I've read about cancer. I've heard about cancer. But I've never had cancer involved in my life until now.

First period of high school I had was chemistry class with Mr. Rouge. He was nice, if you liked rats. Today in class we were talking about what types of cancer and how cancer can lead if you have a certain blood type
I had to sit by the biggest jerk in the grade, Carson Williams. Carson Williams dated all the girls, had all the friends, and played all the sports.

The instructions were simple all we had to do prick our finger and put the blood on the scanning device. Carson did probably the total opposite of that.

Carson took the picker and pricked his blue vein on his wrist. Funny right. Not really. Blood got everywhere. It got on clothes, notebooks, and people. Yes people. Carson took his spilling out vein and held it over Mr.Rouges' head. Mr.Rouge already had a black cwiff hairstyle, but now it was all clammed down with blood. Red oozy, goozy, nasty blood.
As you can tell I am not good with blood. And having not be good with blood I did the stupidest thing possible anyone could do on the first day of 11th grade.

I puked all over Carson Williams. The king of the grade. The almighty father. The go to guy. The popular guy.

Yep I Kailee Gidselfer had become "that one kid" within about 15 minutes into class.

After I puked I ran to the bathroom to clean up the disgusting blood stains on my PINK shirt, and the puke on my vans.

When I got back everything seemed to be in place, as in to much in place. Something was wrong. And I new what it was right as I hit the floor. Carson and his "squad" had loosened the screws in my chair and right as I sat down suspiciously I crashed right through the chair tumbling to the ground. After Carson and his "squad" had a laugh Carson fainted on top of me.
The E-R came in an ambulance and rushed him to the hospital. Since there was blood all over I decided to test my blood and Carsons blood and found out we had the same blood type, double O negative. As I was cleaning up my station Mr.Rouge stumbled into the classroom slipping on a pencil, and explained to us that Carson was going to be fine, all that happened was he lost a lot of blood from pricking his wrist.

As the day went by I looked at the different clubs that were posted outside the main office. The ones that were posted were cheer leading, poetry, science, drama, dance, and math masters.
I decided on writing down the website names for dancing, poetry, and math masters so I could look them up later tonight on my Mac Book.

After I got home I went straight to my room to finish my Math, and English homework.
Once I was done I put my homework in my mint green backpack and looked up the website for dancing. The head teachers name was Madam Corñethiã. In her picture on the website she was wearing her dark black hair into a tight bun and her mixed skin was flawless.
I kept reading about her and she write a small auto-biography about herself. It said that she loves to dance and that when she went to school at East Heights High (the school that I go to)
she took her team to state and won because of her perfect scoring lyrical solo.
After reading through the dance site I went on to the poetry site. The teachers name was Ms.Fonterly. She was a pretty, mid 20s, blonde. The poetry club would meet every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after school.
Finally I looked at math masters. He teachers name was Mr.Dasterboard. Right when I saw his picture I knew that I didn't want to do math masters. He already had a strict face on.
So I decided on poetry and dance.
That night I heard my mom and dad screaming at each other and then heard a loud snack on the birch wood floors. I ran to my moms room and saw my dad walking out furiously. I kept running towards my parents room and I found my mom laying on the floor with a bloody nose and an instant bruise on her temple. I ran to the phone and called 911. 
My mom was unconscious. The ambulance came barreling into my house lifted up my mom and put her on a stretcher. Then wheeled her into the ambulance. I stood there and watched the ambulance drive away down the street.

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