Riker imagine for @Louislover200

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hey, I'm so sorry your Imagine is so late, but here it is, enjoy!

Request: Could you do one for me with Riker we are married in the imagine we have triplets already three boys and I'm pregnant again with twins almost due.

Song: All of me by John Legend

Your feet were sore, your back ached, as tired as you were pregnant for the 2 time with twins with your husband of 3 years, Riker Lynch. To add to your tiredness, you have 3 boys who are triplets, named Anthony Ryder, Kaleb Ross and Jake Rylen. They were already awake with Riker, making breakfast while watching morning cartoons. You woke up and grabbed the bed since you were 8 months pregnant, you needed some support to get out of bed. To the best of your ability, you waddled down the stairs to see your family at there best. Today, you were going to pick out the names for your newborn twins on the way, you were finally having a girl, but her twin was another boy. 4 brothers were going to be the death of her when it comes to boyfriends, heartbreaks , drama, etc etc. "Morning sunshine," your lovely husband greeted you with a kiss. You smiled and called all the boys to the living room to find a good name for your twins. You wanted to include Antony, Kaleb and Jake into this because they were going to be older brothers an you also promised them that they could name the next babies or baby. "So, boys, do you know what were doing today?" you asked the young boys infront of you. The 3 shook their heads, while you and Riker chuckled. "Today, were gonna pick names for your new siblings. Do you want to know they gender?" you giggled again at their excitement. You told them that you were having a another and girl. The boys eyed you when they hear you say girl. Riker looked at you with wide eyes, since you were the only one that knew, besides Rydel and Stormie. Anthony kept ranting at how he was going to be a good big brother along with his 2 other brothers and about her boyfriends, crushes, blah blah blah. You found it cute that he was already doing Rikers job. "Do you boys have any girls names? we'll do the boys after were done picking a name for your sister. "Dolphin!" your youngest out of the three triplets, Jake yelled. You and Riker brusted out laughing. "Bbay, that's an animal, you can't name your sister an animal. Maybe as a nickname?" you suggested to your son, he giggled and went back to thinking. "Violet." "Reese." Your 2 other triplets, Anthony and Kaleb yelled at the same time. You looked over at Riker, who pondered at the name, he caught your gaze and nodded, agreeing with the name. "That sounds lovely boys, On the your baby brother." you said, smiling at them. "Spider!" Jake called again.  "Jake honey, you can't call your baby brother that."you laughed at your sons craziness. He smiled, not knowing what you said and went back looking to the book. "What about Michael?" Riker poped the question, out of the blue. You nodded and looked at the boys, seeing if the agreed. They all nodded and look at your youngest, Jake., who thinks that te name was still spider, gave you thumbs up. You giggled and went to think of a middle name. "Ryland, like uncle Ry!" All three boys shouted. You giggle at them, they basically switched Ryland's whole name around. "Your little siblings are gonna love you three so much.  You couldn't wait on your twins, Violet Reese and Michael Ryland's arrival, you knew yourself, Riker and the boys would love them to death.

Want an imagine or have a preference idea?

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Instagram: damn_gurl_its_satan or mvmz.elizvbeth (Link in my bio)



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