Rowan POV

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"Hey Dawson!" I raise my hand slightly in a small attempt at a wave. I put my phone down sitting across from my coffee. His dark black belt hugs at his waist holding in his tucked long sleeve button up. His matching black hat sits further back on his head letting his hair peek through the front. This is a typical everyday outfit for him. Dawson and I have been good friends for a while now and we always come up here a couple times a week for coffee, seeing as this is where we met. He lays his coat on the back of the chair sitting down. He pushes his menu to the side, seeing as we meet up here all the time. "So how's your week been so far?" I ask, raising an eyebrow expecting the same response as always.

He sighs and takes a sip of the coffee I already took the liberty of ordering for him. "Okay, I guess. Work's been busy, like always. These kids are driving me insane. Like, don't come to me at the end of every class to complain about your grade if you're gonna be so opposed to actually studying." Yup. Exactly the answer I was looking for. He's a math teacher at our local high school so he always has something to say about those kids.

"Guys, I haven't seen you in forever!" That high pitched voice rang across the cafe as Dennie's tiny little legs carried her our way. Since Dawson and I come here so often, we've made some friends; one of them being Dennie. She's the same age as me, twenty, but younger than Liam, who's twenty five. She wraps her tiny arms around each of us after setting down the tray she was carrying.

Dawson and I met her while on one of our weekly visits around Christmas time last year. She's really cute actually. She's only 5'2 but has long straight black hair down to her hips. She's got real fair skin so sometimes she looks like a vampire, that is if vampires were equivalent to a benevolent warm hearted bunny. She's in school right now to be a vet, which totally suits her.

"Hey Den, how ya been?" I take a sip and set it back down in the coffee ring I had already made on the table.

"Well, it finally happened!" She squeals out her words and throws her hand in my face. The giant rock on her finger glistened under the cafe lights.

"Dennie, oh my- When did he...What?!" Instead of words she nods her head with a grin pulled widely across her face. I spring up from my seat and wrap my arms around her. I'm probably squeezing too tight for her fragile body but I don't care. "This is amazing!" I shout but at this point it doesn't matter. People were already looking at us anyway.

Dawson grabs her hand and places a kiss on the top. Why does he always do that? Always so proper, sheesh. "I'm really happy for you Dennie." He speaks but his eyes say something else. Weird... he's a weird dude.

We continued to ask her all the normal questions like, how did he ask her, where is the wedding going to be, when is the wedding, etc. She answers them all in little detail since she hasn't got her heart set on anything yet. After babbling on for at least fifteen minutes, she grabbed her tray and headed to the back room. I readjust my seat and focus my attention on Dawson.

"What were we talking about again?"

"I was talking about those meddling kids." He rolls his eyes but I know he loves those 'meddling kids' a lot. " Anyways, how about you? Found any work?"

Dawson knows I recently lost my job of being a caretaker due to budget cuts. I've been looking everywhere for work, but no one seems to be hiring. I shrug my shoulders in disappointment, "Sadly, no. I was looking around last night and I sent some emails, made some calls, but I just think-"

I was cut off by the ringing of his phone. "Sorry just a second." He picked up his phone giving me an apologetic smile.

"Nathan, I told you to stop calling every five minutes... What do you mean...I can't always be with you! Just figure it out." He slams his phone down on the table, roughing his fingers through his hair.

I could hear Nathan screaming into the phone. Dawson has only mentioned him a couple times, like it's a touchy subject or something. It's crazy. I've known him for so long, yet I still haven't even met his roommate. Especially since his roommate is his brother. For the past couple years, we've always just gone to my place. I ask to meet him all the time but Dawson just dodges the subject as if it was a torpedo speeding towards him.

He hangs up the phone abruptly and places it back down on the table, letting out a deep sigh, of relief I think.

"Everything okay?" I ask, trying not to sound too pushy.

"Yeah, just typical Nate. Screaming at me because he can't get the blender to work." He laughs it off but I can see he's hurting. Like I said, it's a touchy subject so I try not to pry too much. I give him a sympathetic smile and he continues, "So no work?"

"No. I mean I thought this daycare job was in the bag until they called to tell me they were 'going a different direction'" I use air quotes around my words as I roll my eyes. Why can't they just be honest and say straight up, we don't want you!

"I'm sorry Row. Hey if you want you can babysit Nathan." He jokes in an attempt to cheer me up but I couldn't possibly fathom babysitting a grown man. Especially, not a man I know nothing about and is avoided in conversation. Honestly I don't know why he doesn't trust me. We've been friends for so long and yet I feel like he has a whole secret life hidden from me.

"Yeah, no thanks." I laugh it off.

We finish our coffees and continue to talk about what's been up with us the past couple days. Dawson goes on to tell me about a kid in his class who's doing exceptionally well and that he sees a great future for him. It's cute how much he cares about his students even though they can be little shits.

My phone pings underneath my lap and I pull my phone out of my back pocket.

"Oh my gosh Nate!" A smile brims across my face.

"Oh my gosh what?" He mocks me but I don't mind.

"I got an interview for a caretaking position for this old lady!" I am filled with relief as I have been so tired of job searching and I really need the money.

"I have never heard someone so excited to give an old lady a sponge bath."

"Dawson, you know it more than that to me. I love taking care of people. They want to meet me next week!" I have always loved caring for people. I grew up taking care of my father before he passed away and maybe this is a way for me to still hold onto him.

"Well I am very happy for you Rowan and I have a good feeling you'll get it. How could someone not like you? It's you!" He compliments me the way he always does and I feel a sense of confidence rise in me.

"You flatter me too much."

"Well I better get going. People to see, papers to grade. You know the drill. See you tomorrow for dinner? I'll pick you up?" He begins to gather his things and stands up. I follow his lead and embrace him for a hug.

"Of course. Six o'clock. I'll be ready." We say our goodbyes and head our separate ways  

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