Chapter 1

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Silent- Chapter 1

(Ezra- POV)

Staring at the wall I question my life choices, I can't believe I'm here.

Visiting a girl that I barely know, while she is in a mental hospital was never something I thought I would do.

The door swings open and she is standing there, I can tell how broken she is just by the look in her eyes.

That leaves one question unanswered.

How did this happen?


Wasting my summer in a house with my supposed friends, this was not what I had in mind.

Why they invited me? I still don't know.

I know they only tolerate me because I'm there.

We all wait for Chris to return with the girl he brought, apparently it's his best friend.

They all only talk about her when I'm not around, I'm not sure why. I don't even know her name.

Adam and Max talk about her while we wait, Adam seems to think she is Asian, but Max thinks she is African American.

We all look over and standing right in front of us is a very short girl. She is dressed in black jeans, black boots, and a black tank top. He hair is black and has a few colors throughout it. Her eye are a dull gray color, most would find the color boring, but I find it interesting, I know gray eyes are very rare.

She looks really small, but she still looks beautiful, but she isn't someone most would find attractive, most would think she was depressed, alone, boring, but to me she doesn't look like any of that, I don't want to stereotype someone based on their looks.

She just hides behind Chris.

"Xi," he says pushing her in front of him. "Xi, this is Adam, Max, and Ezra." He says pointing to Adam, Max, then me. I can't help by put wonder what her name is. Is it Xi? Or is that a nickname?

"This is her? I thought she was Asian?" Adam asks.

"Adam, why would you think she was Asian?" Chris asks him.

"I don't know, The name Xia sounds Asian to me." He replies. "I mean I was expecting the dark hair, but not the pale skin and blue eyes." He says.

So, her name is Xia, I like it, it's unique.

"Well," Chis starts. "Xia is not Asian, and her his is not naturally that color, it is actually blonde, a very light blonde, and her eyes are not blue, they are gray, which is much more boring than blue."

I can't imagine her with blonde hair, it just doesn't seem like it would fit her, I see why she dyed it.

"Does she talk?" Max asks, making me realize she hasn't said a word yet.

"Well, I'll put it this way, she talks less than Ezra." Chris says.

Talking has never been a huge part of my life, I talk, just very rarely. I don't enjoy talking. Also, my sister is deaf, my family communicates by using sign language.

"So, not at all?" He asks.

"She's never said a word in her life, she is very boring, she has never even smiled."

After that she just leaves, Chris follows.

"She seems like a freak." Adams says.

"Well, her name starts with an X, what do you expect?" Max says.

"I don't know, but I mean I wasn't expecting that." Adam replies.

Well, this summer is going to be fun.


The four of us sit around the illegal fire, I just sit there, wanting to be anywhere else.

Chris, Max, and Adam are all drinking, they all passed being drunk an hour ago.

Why did my mom make me come?

I start to panic when notice something move a few yards away, the other three are too drunk to notice anything.

The door to Christopher's van opens, at first I think someone is breaking in, but then I realize it is Xia.

Why is she sneaking in? It's almost like she is trying to go unnoticed.

But why does it matter? She should be able to do whatever she wants.

Also, they are all dunk, it's not like they will notice her.

We finally get to the house, after 12 hours in a car we are finally.

When we get there we all help unpack.

Except for Xia.

She just runs to her room, hiding from us.

But that doesn't mean I don't see her bruised face.

What happened to her?

I just continue to put everything inside the house.

After about 10 minutes they all tell me that they are going down to the beach.

So, that means I have to do this all by myself.

I begin to put things where they go. I deliver everyone's suitcase to their room.

Why is this my job?

After a long time of doing work that isn't my job, I am done.


Sitting right in front of me is one last suitcase.


I have avoided it because I didn't know what to do with it. I was hoping she would realize she din't have it, and come get it.

That didn't happen.

Now what?

I pick up the suitcase and walk up the stairs.

Taking a deep breath, I knock on her door.

It takes a few seconds, but it opens, slowly.

She has on a hoodie, in the color black. Her hood is up, it is doing a good job of covering her face.

But not good enough, I can still see that there is a large bruise on the left side of her face.

Right after I hand her the suitcase, she closes the door.

Something happened to her.

Well , obviously, you don't wake up with a bruise covering your entire face for no reason.

Maybe it happened a few days ago, when she snuck away, when everyone else was too intoxicated to see her leave.

Well, now I have nothing to do.

So, this story will not only have short updates, but unfrequent ones. I currently have like 7 stories I am working on, and I am having trouble deciding on what one to work on. I am very unorganized, on one story, I have written more of the sequel than the original...

Anyway, this story is not going to be a priority for me, not now at least.

But I hope you enjoy it anyway, I think once it is done, it will be a nice, quick, easy read for when you want to read at night, but you don't have much time, and you have trouble stopping in the middle of a book.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2016 ⏰

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