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This is a second non-fiction story that I'm writing on this website. By the title of it you might think that I'm going to write something about sports and physical health relating to some athletic events or races but I'm sorry you are wrong. This 'Race' I'm talking about is about the race of different people. Yes, the 'Race' which refers to a different league and type of people on Earth. I'm going to write about the problem which surrounds this word, that is, Racism.




Racism is a global issue. Its influence is far and spread to almost every part of this entire world. Racism isn't totally bad, if you think about it you can only use the terms in a formal manner so as to not hurt a person's feelings. It becomes bad and evil when you use racism to insult and abuse a person both verbally and physically. There are many ways in which you can discriminate people by their type but the most popular and widespread racism slangs are between the three ethnicities which are White, Black and Asian.

We all know about the problems faced in America about the Black people and White people in the past which are now a big history. If we look at America now, there seems to be almost zero problem about the racism between the White and Black. They live in harmony and happiness and get along well together as well. I'm not saying it's completely eradicated but it has decreased to a very formidable low rate. But all together it hasn't been eliminated yet.




Let me talk about me and my story now. By ethnicity, you can consider me as an Asian because of my small eyes, a bit short height, a bit flat nose and spiky hair. The country in which I live in has a very small percentage of our ethnicity, you can consider as none, but altogether, we do exist. We can be referred as tribals as we used to live in villages and ventured into the city in search of education and healthy living; and by God's grace, we've reached to a position quite comfortable and peaceful. Life isn't easy and obviously we face difficulties but the most major problem that we face is, without doubt, Racism. Racism starts the very moment we step in the city, especially when you are in a very developed city with huge buildings, broad roads, luxurious cars and huge shopping malls. I used to have a very little idea about racism and only used to see in news where people protest against racism activities and I never thought I also would be in a position where I would hear racism comments through my own ears about myself. But when I heard them, somewhere, it hurt and I whispered, 'Ouch!' in my mind. It hurts, one cannot deny it. When someone refers to you racially, somewhere or the other it feels as if it's my fault that I was born in that race. But altogether, I cannot blame those people also, they feel that it's a good way to refer someone racially as one can immediately recognize or remember a person by his race. When people talk to me, the first thing they ask me is, 'Where are you from? Are you Chinese?' And for a second or two I try to dissolve the question and then reply that; no, I'm not Chinese but I come from this place within our own country.

So, this is what it is, you cannot stop it from happening, they'll call you by your race sometimes and they wouldn't even think about it that it mattered to you. If you didn't know, Racism, in the past, has caused very major problems in certain places which led to fights, wars, destruction and even separation of different countries. Racism is a very sensitive issue so it should be used cautiously and very few times. You seriously don't want to pick a fight with someone just because you accidently called someone 'Chinese'.




By writing this, I do not aim or strive to completely eradicate Racism. All I can say is that you, my reader, can make a difference and set up good examples for others as well. In America, children are taught from childhood to never call black people 'Black' even by mistake in front of them, and that way Racism is eliminated from the very beginning. This should be done not only for ethnicities but also against gender, caste, creed, religion, colour, rank, size, weight and age or any other distinct discrimination term. We all are human beings; Homo sapiens; and there is nothing to discriminate against any person living this whole big wide world.




So, my dear readers, next time when you see or meet any person not of your ethnicity or religion, please remember not to refer them by their race or religion or whatever by which they may feel offended. And if you are also a victim of racism then don't seek for revenge or become angry or arrogant with them; for them it might be such a small issue that just a simple, 'Please don't call me by my race. I don't like it.' will be enough for them to stop calling you by your race.




The world is a very big place to live and our life is limited. So, instead of discriminating, why can't we enjoy and live life with peace and harmony among our neighbor and fellow countrymen? Peace!

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