chapter 2

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As I was about to get back in my car and drive to the Hampton inn I heard a engine Rev. I turned around to see a black tour bus with purple under lights!! I was about to die that was justin's tour bus!! they must not have seen me yet cause I heard twist say "haha dude we tricked them there's like no one here!" then I heard Justin say "this is weird but I'm kind of missing my fans not being here to greet me." I started to freak out #1 because Justin was getting closer and closer to were I was standing #2 because they don't know anyones here and #3 because idk what there gonna do when they see that I'm here and idk if I'm even suppose to be here then I heard someone say "wait... I see a shadow over there" everyone looked and it got quiet then i heard Justin getting and closer till I looked up so my eyes met his amazing Carmel brown ones.

( Justin's prov)

she was gorgeouse~tall but not to tall,skinny,and brown hair with natrual blonde highlights~ but then when she looked up and her bright blue eyes met mine I instantly got a crush on her I'm not gonna lie

(merediths prov)

I heard him say something but I couldn't make out the words cause I was screaming on the inside I mean I was absolutely fan girling right now then I snapped back into reality(well more like fantasy because this has been a dream for me for like 5 years but anyway) just in time to hear him say hello earth to....wait ummm what's ur name?? M M Merideth I finally stuterd out. oh well its nice to meet you Merideth said Justin. you must be a pretty big fan to find me here it was suppose to be secret u cant tell anyone I'm here and not at the other place ok...not even ur friends or ur family. ok I said. then scooter gave Justin his room key and told him that they are going up to there rooms and be up there by at least 12 he agreed and they left so it was just me and Justin. after a few seconds of silence Justin said so how did you figure out I was here and not at the other place? weeeeellllllll I said I actually didn't even hear about the other hotel until I got to this one and no one was here so I got on twitter and clicked on a lot of people that had been tweeting back at u when u tweeted the thing about getting exited to see ur hometown fans and I saw all of them saying out they were camping out at the other hotel and I started to get worried until I was about to go to the other place and then I saw ur bus and I started freaking out. so did u hear all that stuff that we said when we got off the bus?? asked Justin haha yea but it wasn't bad. I said. yea ik its just that I really do mean what I said... I feel really bad for letting my fans down and not coming to that other hotel but I mean on the other hand I didn't say I was coming to that one it was just a rumor that spread! and its really hard to sleep and go in and out of the hotels im staying at with all the loud fans outside of the hotel. said Justin. I can understand that I said but any way he said are you coming to my concert tomarrow?? unfortunatly no.. I said sadly. why not! he said. well that's why I was camping out here cause it was gonna be my only chance to see u.. i swid sadly. what do u mean he asked concerned. well about 6 months ago my dad past away in a car accident and so we couldn't really afford the tickets I said with tears streaming down my face. he wiped the tears off my face befor going on to say don't cry maybe I can change that...luckily for u I have 2 v.i.p. tickets left for u and u can bring a friend too!! oh well actually u can keep the second ticket cause I don't really have any friends... what do u mean asks Justin confused well last year my friend moved away and ever since iv sort of been an outcast without her.. oh well than u can come alone that's cool! says Justin with some exitment in his voice. Justin looks at his phone..well its 11:45 I should go in soon since I have a show tomarrow so I need some rest so I guess that ill see u again tomarrow hopefully. says Justin ya u will when u wake up haha did that sound stalkerish?? I ask. ummmm ya alittle but ur no gonna camp out here with no one eles here are u?? well I was sort of planning on it cause my mom took my little brother up to Toronto earlier cause they are gonna watch the hockey game tomarrow so they are staying in a hotel and wont be home for 2 days so yaaa I was planning on it since no one is home.. I say. but u cant I mean it gets pretty chilly up here at night and I mean..there's no one eles out here who knows what could happen to u!! says Justin with concern in his voice. I giggle cause of how concerned he sounds, its fine Justin I mean y'all will be in there and stuff so yaa... I say. no says Justin I'm not gonna let one of my beautiful beliebers sleep out here alone!! i have an idea here come with me..

_________________________________________________________________________________ •AUTHORS NOTE•

hey guys.! I'm really hoping y'all like the book so far its only the second chapter but I think its goin pretty good so far its also my first book so I hope that I get a lot of reads and votes even though I'm not expecting it but anyway if u have any suggestions for the book then comment!! buy guys∞<3∞

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