The Day We Met

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It was in May of 1984 when I had an audition in front of George Bowers the director of the movie called "Private Resort". I have been preparing to audition for a movie since I was 10 and now at the age of 19 I am absolutely ready. I saw the flyer on the doors of the Ocean Reef Club in Key Largo, Florida. I was down in Florida on Vacation with my family visiting my Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Benny. We were taking a nice walk around the Key Largo area and all of a sudden I saw my chance to show my acting talents.
I knew this movie was a Comedy, which is the perfect place to start my career off. I walk up to the door and fill out an audition form and since it was Friday I filled it out to do the audition tomorrow at 4 o'clock. I grabbed the short script I had to read to audition and ran to show my parents.
When we arrived back at the house I did not dare to put the script down I read it nonstop. I read it 27 times from the paper then kept repeating the lines all through out the night until I drifted off into a silent sleep. I woke up at 10 in the morning and read my lines off the paper at least another 15 times. After succeeding in confidence I started a shower to ease my stress before the audition.
I was in the shower for a good hour and a half. I could have taken longer if my fingers didn't turn to prunes. After wrapping myself in a towel I proceeded to my suitcase where I laid my outfit out last night. I picked a beautiful white bikini with a nice purple sundress over it. The sundress reminded me of Marilyn Monroe's white dress besides the fact of its color difference. After getting changed I decided to apply a light but satisfying amount of makeup to my face and then called for a car to take me to a diner for breakfast.
My driver pulls up at Mrs. Mac's Kitchen and I pay him and ask if he would stay here and wait till I was finished. He agreed and parked behind the restaurant. After seeing him park I pull my purse close to my stomach and open the front door. The door slowly closes behind me with a slight ring of a bell and I grab my usual seat by the window. The waitress comes up to me and asks " What will it be today sweet heart?" I reply with a smile and ask for some French Toast. She says "Of course, would you like chocolate milk like you used to get when you came with your aunt?" I giggle slightly and say "Absolutely!"
The waitress brings my food after about 5 minutes after I ordered and I thank her kindly. I dig in and finish my meal in about 20 minutes. After finishing I go to the bathroom and wash my hands then quietly leave the restaurant. My driver welcomes me back with a smile as I jump into the back seat and take off my sun dress. The driver then drops me off at my favorite beach in Key Largo, Cannon beach. It is known as the most beautiful beach located in Key Largo.
I begin to jog down near the water in my white bikini and that's when our eyes met. I didn't even realize that I was running towards him when all of a sudden I run into him. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry." I am so red and nervous at this point those are the only words I can get out of my mouth.
"Oh it was completely my fault. I am very sorry for staring but you are too beautiful. It's an uncontrollable reaction. My name is Johnny." He says with such confidence any girl would melt by his flirtatious attitude.
"My name is Dara, and no it was mine, you don't have to apologize." Turning an even deeper red I smile awkwardly looking away because he was so handsome. I could not even stand to look his way without laughing a little.
"I would ask you on a date Dara but I have no free time considering I am staring as Jack in a movie called Private Resort. Have you heard of it?" He says again trying to be cocky but didn't succeed when he started smiling and chuckled for a second. I could not believe I ran into a guy from the movie but not only is he in the movie he is the star of the movie.
" This might be crazy but I actually have an audition today for a role in that movie at 4 o'clock! So maybe we will be cast members together. I have to go now to get ready."
" Wow! Okay well I might see you again after all. Okay well good bye for now." Johnny says with a huge grin and a nod. I smile back and start jogging back to the car where my driver is yet again ready to open the door right away.

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