Part 1

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"'Ello!" the voice was chipper, so happy to see her.

Chell stared at the core lying on the ground, completely stunned. How did he get there? Why wasn't he in space? And why of all the places on earth was he in front of her door?

He moved a plate over his broken optic to give her a smile. "Amazing isn't it? After all this time I can still find you when we get separated." He waited a moment but she was as silent as ever. "Right... So you're probably wondering what happened, I will tell you everything but first," he glanced around at the dirt he rested in "could you pick me up?"

She continued to stare, her heart quickening with the feeling that she needed to run while her muscles froze in shock.

"...I would like to be picked up please. ...You know what it's fine, I've been sitting here all morning, what's another... however long you plan to leave me here?"

She found it hard to listen to him through the memories flashing through her head.

He moved his optic around nervously. "I do need to talk to you though. I never meant to... do that... and I really am sorry about what happened." He paused to look at her still shocked face. "So can we be friends again?"

Those words had cut through her racing thoughts, those she heard as clear as the sunny sky above her and they made her glare. How could he expect forgiveness? How could he ask to be friends again when she could no longer remember being friends in the first place? How could she forgive him when he was nothing but a sad memory to her?

"I'm just going to take the silence as yes."

Anger and stubbornness boiled up inside her overcoming both her fear and shock. She turned and stomped away, slamming her door behind her.

"Oh..." his upper plate drooped over his eye, "so no then." He closed his eye.

A bird screeched from above.

He looked up and shook, his light darkening.

Chell sat with her back against her door, her knees pulled up where she could cry into them. Her anger had fizzled away as soon as she was alone and she learned that had been masking her true feelings all along.

After she'd cried her eyes dry she looked up to wipe the tears from her face. Above hers knees she saw her companion cube sitting in the middle of the room. She'd thrown it in the fire and still got it back. She remembered how it'd hurt her to throw it away and how it'd healed her to be able to make amends.

It struck her that maybe she was Wheatley's companion cube; that he just needed to make amends after throwing her to the fire. And if a monster like her had been given a second chance why shouldn't he?

She rose to her feet, this was going to be hard but she had to do it. She ran back outside and felt something inside crumble. She stared down at the ring in the dirt where Wheatley had just been; but the place was empty, and so was she.

Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy (After Portal 2)Where stories live. Discover now