Chapter 2

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"How did she wake up?" I asked.

"We think it was because we were using kryptonite, which makes her stronger and it made her awake." Alex said staring at the cell they put her in.

"Can she help us?" I asked. I mean, not having to do everything would be nice for once.

"We hope. We thought you could try." Alex said with a pleading look.

I walked in the cell.

"Supergirl?" Bizarro said.

"Yep, it's me." I said with a smile.

"Not alone, why I in box?"She asked.

"Because, there isn't another place for you to stay."I said.

"I stand?" She asked.

"Uh-huh." I said.

Bizarro was identical to me expect for the fact she had green skin and looked like a cracked glass doll.

"We need you a name. What do think? You know, like Kara." I said.

"Uh-huh." She said with a nod.

"Biz." I said.

"Okay. I Biz?" She asked.

"Yep. We are training you to work for us. Let's start with talking. Say," I am Biz" not "I Biz." I said. I kinda felt like a reading teacher.

"I am Biz. Good, Kara?" She asked.

"Yep. Can you make another sentence with I am?" I asked.

"I am with Kara." She said.

"Good. I will teach you more along the way." I said.

I looked at Biz. She looked happy to be awake, but there was sad in her.

"Kara, I will be safe and free?" She asked we a head tilt.

"Yes. And you will save people who need to be free,too." I said.

I went out to wear Alex was,"She has to be bored. What could she do?" I asked because I kinda felt bad for her. I mean, she wasn't bad, but she was locked up.

"Grab her and follow me." Alex said.

I ran in to the cell,"Hey, come with me." I said with a smile.

She stood up,"Hold my hand, Kara?" She asked.

I grabbed her hand and nodded.

We walked in to a big room with a couple cars hanging on the walls. I had trained here before, but I thought they thought she could, too.

"Bizarro, here you can train to save people." Alex said.

"Kara train with me?" She asked

"Yes, sometimes. Bizarro, start training please. I need to talk to Kara."


Yes yes I know, I had bad grammar for bizarro, but if you watched the episode, she sounded like the Cookie Monster, and Kara even said it her self!

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