The "crush"

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Have you ever had a crush? And if not, are you human?!

JK, but seriously, I'm pretty sure that everyone has  had a crush at one point in their life. Not all crushes last. Some are just puppy love. 

People who have a crush for the first time, think they are instantly "in love". Honey...... NO

Your first crush is the one that can hurt you the most, but it's not true love. I should know. 

Ok, I'm not saying that I'm an expert at love or anything, but the complete opposite. I have had so much heartbreak in my life that I had time to write a book about it! (LOL)

I know everyone has had a bad experience with love, and I'm not saying to pity me or anything. I actually am writing this for those people. When I had my first few heartbreaks, I felt so alone. I thought no one would understand me. I cried all the time and I ignored everyone. 

It's not until recently that I realized, that all that depression actually made it worse. I pushed all the people who cared about me away, just because ONE person didn't want me. 

Of course I still have anxiety and depression today. I can't pretend that everything is okay. It's not. Life will always have hate and sadness, it's up to you to find the happiness. 

I don't want to sound like other people who say that everything will get better, but just know the world is large. If the people around you now are AWFUL, then think about the future.

OK, back to topic..... Crushes.

You can't prevent yourself from liking someone. Believe me, I have tried. 

Most crushes end in heartbreak. I know I sound like an emo, but it's the truth. Of course some end a happy ending (My parents <3). 

Most ( aka all!!!) of my crushes, end up with me hearing the words, "I'm sorry".

Sometimes I'm not that bothered, because I realize that I never actually really liked the person. But every once in a while, I get a stab to the heart.

I spend a good crying session with my best friends and they tell me that I deserve better.

I usually act like nothing ever happened with the person and i continue to act like I'm all ok.

My friends tell me I should get all my feelings out. I tell them I'm ok.

That's how I ended up on Wattpad! I needed a place where I can be me and express myself. 

Where I can talk about my heartbreak, and I might actually help people.

Ok to start off this series I'm going to give you guys tips on  how to figure out if you actually like a person. 

Here you go:

1. Get to know him/her- see if he/she really is the guy/girl u think he/she is

2. Find out their interest- if you have the same interest, then talk to them about it

3. Find out their personality- if the person acts differently (in a bad way) to you than to his friends, you probably shouldn't

Ok thanks for reading my first chapter in my new series. Hope you enjoy! Make sure u give me criticism and tell me your heartaches. (I promise I won't laugh) BYE!!!

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